We are pleased to introduce the SWDTP Cohort Building Fund!
This fund is designed to support students in setting-up networking and research events. ESRC-funded students can apply for anywhere between £50 and £1,000 to support research events, cohort development and mixed social activities. These activities can be extended to the wider doctoral research community and you can apply individually, or in collaboration with your fellow students.
What can I do with the Cohort Fund?
Whether you’d like to set up a coffee morning for researchers with young children; or a ‘Pint of Science’-style presentation about research held in an unconventional setting, get your application in! This fund is specifically designed to facilitate SWDTP cohort-building and networking events so don’t be afraid to suggest something unusual!
Some examples include:
- Coffee morning for researchers interested in a specific topic
- Networking for students and supervisors within a pathway to interact across the sites
- Cohort event based around specific research theme or topic
- Volunteer days with the aim of cohort building
- Activities which bring together interdisciplinary and disciplinary students in relation to wellbeing, writing retreats, and such like activities
- Family based/child friendly events with the focus of connecting others with caring responsibilities
- Talk-shops, based around informal discussion of issues related to the complexities of the research journey
How will my application be assessed?
Applications will be assessed on an individual basis and will be subject to a soft-touch office evaluation. A decision for most applications should be expected within 10 working days, however, for more ambitious projects that require additional information, this assessment period may be longer. If funded, students are expected to set-up and run events autonomously.
What happens after?
You don’t need to fill in a formal written report after but please send any publicity materials including photos, posters, videos and other materials to swdtp-enquiries@bristol.ac.uk for use on the website and in the monthly newsletter. This is an open call and you can apply at any point during your studentship.
Most events should be open to all funded and non-funded students on SWDTP Pathways and you may wish to open your event up to a wider research community. However, there are certain exceptions to this rule, for example, if an event is specific to one pathway/institution, there may be an argument for limiting attendance. Events must have a research focus and benefit members of the SWDTP community directly.
Get in touch with us at swdtp-enquiries@bristol.ac.uk to discuss your ideas or submit an application! You can find the application form below