Congratulations to Hannah West (University of Bath, Security, Conflict and Human Rights) on being invited to join the Advanced Command and Staff Course at the UK Defence Academy (as shown above) for their module on Gender, War and the Armed Forces. This gave Hannah a platform to speak about her research at their end of course workshop.
Hannah said: “As an ex-military researcher it was stimulating to return to a military environment and share a critical perspective with the audience, provoking interesting debates around the gendered character of the military institution.”
Hannah’s also been utilising her creative side to produce a pair of videos based around her research and experiences.
‘Uniformly Served: Veterans in Conversation‘, which was funded by the SWDTP Impact Fund, involves eight local veterans, including a cross-section of ages, former ranks and services and captures conversations between them about their gendered reflections on military service.
’She’ll Hold Her Own’ is a music video that captures Hannahs reflections on the gendered experience of military service and explores her reflections on her gendered experiences of military masculinity and femininity.
Both videos as well as more information and lyrics are available at Hannah’s blog: