Dr Polly Lord
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of ExeterStart date: September 2014
Graduation date: April 2019
Research topic: Employment law in farms
My research examines how core employment law rights apply on farms. Through conducting interviews with farmers, their understanding of wages, working time, holidays, sickness and parental leave to health and safety rules, is discussed. In doing so, the way that farmers manage these rights – both practically and conceptually – reveals important insights into the laws themselves.Research supervisors: Professor Liz Trinder, Professor Matt Lobley
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Co-Ordinator World of Work NetworkEmail: pl325@exeter.ac.uk
Dr Anna Heenan
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of ExeterStart date: September 2013
Graduation date: March 2020
Research topic: The financial implications of shared parenting after divorce
Research supervisors: Professor Anne Barlow
Email: acsh201@exeter.ac.uk
Dr Janet Keliher
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC +3)
Law School, University of ExeterStart date: September 2013
Graduation date: June 2019
Research topic: A Socio-Legal Analysis of the Relationship between Legal Responsibility & Culture in Criminal Law
Research supervisors: Dr Stephen Skinner
Email: jk338@exeter.ac.uk
Thomas Tooth
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of BristolStart date: September 2011
Graduation date: October 2019
Research topic: Who cares about defence witnesses? Witness care and adversarial justice
Research supervisors: Professor Richard Young , Professor Morag McDermont
Email: tt8480@bristol.ac.uk
Louise Austin
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni, Student Rep
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of BristolStart date: September 2015
Graduation date: March 2021
Research topic: Judging Informed Consent
My PhD is titled ‘Judging Informed Consent’ and focuses on the interaction between ethics, law and regulation of informed consent to medical treatment. In particular, it looks at ethical conceptions of autonomy and the extent to which they feature in legal and regulatory decisions on consent.Research supervisors: Dr Oliver Quick, Professor Richard Huxtable
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Associate Teacher, Medical LawMember of Institute of Medical Ethics Postgraduate Committee
SWDTP student representative
Email: louise.austin@bristol.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/louise-austin-75bb8329
Twitter: https://twitter.com/louise_austin12
Dr Ben Hudson
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of BristolStart date: September 2013
Graduation date: October 2019
Research topic: An IDP Right to Return? Challenges in Law and Practice
My research concerns the human rights protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Inspired by my time in Georgia working with non-governmental organisations and United Nations’ agencies, my research engages with the realisation of durable solutions to internal displacement, specifically a legal right to return in international law.Research supervisors: Professor Sir Malcolm Evans, Dr Diego Acosta Arcarazo
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Teacher (LLB Law & State, Introduction to Medical Law & IFP Law), Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, University of Bristol Faculty Senate RepresentativeEmail: ben.hudson@bristol.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ben_hudson7
Louise Hatherall
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of BristolStart date: September 2015
Graduation date: December 2021
Research topic: Genetic Patents in Intellectual Property Law
My research interests centre on IP Law and the way it is applied to biotechnological and genetic patents. There is an argument that Patent Law is currently being used as a ‘sword rather than a shield’ enabling companies and inventors to stifle and prevent access to inventions. This has resulted in stagnating innovation impacting both patients access to such innovations, along with increasing litigation time and cost. This research aims to address this balance and consider the impact of granting these patents on innovative research, access to inventions, the aggressive litigation tactics currently employed and considers the future for IP Law.Research supervisors: Andrew Charlesworth
Professional memberships/Positions held:
SLSAStudent Conference 2017 Committee Chair
Email: lh15390.2015@my.bristol.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwitTooLou
Edward Burtonshaw-Gunn
Socio-Legal Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Law School, University of BristolStart date: September 2014
Graduation date: December 2021
Research topic: A multi-case study of housing models in Bristol, UK: Commercial Housing, Housing Associations, and Community Land Trusts.
Ed is a PhD researcher and Land Law tutor in the Law School. His research is on the housing crisis with specific interest in house building in Bristol, UK. He is particularly interested in planning law, policy, and practice to explain how housing production is shaped in Bristol. For his doctoral research, he spent three months at Bristol City Council – the local planning authority responsible for establishing local planning policies in line with national policies, and for determining planning applications within Bristol. He tweets at @BurtonshawGunn.Research supervisors: Professor Antonia Layard, Dr Janine Sargoni
Professional memberships/Positions held:
SWDTP Student representativeLaw School PGR Student Representative
Socio-Legal Studies Associations (SLSA) Postgraduate Member
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
Socio-Legal Studies Associations (SLSA) Postgraduate Member
Email: e.burtonshaw-gunn@bristol.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BurtonshawGunn