Research Topic Title: The wellbeing of young people in curriculum-focused outdoor and environmental education
My research explores young people’s wellbeing in educational environments, with a particular focus on outdoor learning. I am interested in the mediators of wellbeing in outdoor and environmental education and take a critical look at the restorative properties of the natural environment in curriculum-based settings. My research illustrates how environments can be differentially experienced and understood by young people and focuses on the influences that shape what makes particular environments restorative for young people.
Despite this increased focus on supporting and promoting young people’s wellbeing within OEE, there is no requirement for outdoor education practitioners and providers to have formal training regarding young people’s mental health and wellbeing. There is also little research concerning the readiness and capacity of outdoor and environmental education practitioners for supporting the wellbeing of young people. My research also explores practitioners’ perspectives of supporting young people’s wellbeing in curriculum-based EE, and the perceived opportunities and challenges that exist.
Mentor/s: Dr Darren Moore
Manning R (2022). Outdoor Environmental Education in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Journal of Education for Teaching, 1-2
Brown R, Warwick P, Latham Z, Manning R (2021). Community Campus as Threshold: A Space of Dialogue for Academia and the Community. Journal of Dialogue Studies, 9, 70-96
Manning R (2021). The Role and Potential of Environmental Education for Enhancing the Wellbeing of Young People: A Case Study of the Field Studies Council, Slapton Ley. PhD Thesis
Manning R (2018). Postgrowth and Wellbeing: Challenges to Sustainable Welfare. ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, 27(6), 713-715
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