Networking for researchers (1): a personal story
Health and Wellbeing Researcher Victoria Christodoulides has written this guest blog entry for the University of Baths Career Service in which she explores her experiences with networking and provides advice on how to network effectively
Health Psych Tam
Tamsyn Hawken promotes a balanced and holistic approach to PostGraduate Study and beyond.
Eating Research
Global Political Economy researcher, Lydia Medland explores her PhD research through food.
Alice Chadwick
Alice Chadwick's PhD research musings as she delves into the world of Youth Volunteering during the Ebola Crisis.
Jordan Maynard shares her thoughts as she pursues her PhD in Education.
C J Midwood
Human Geography researcher, Catherine Midwood writes about Philosophy, Culture and Media.
Sam Whewall
Education researcher Sam Whewall keeps a log of his research and his day-to-day work. He also hopes to be able to write a little about his travels too!
Just Another Postgraduate Girl
Exeter Human Geography researcher, Harriet Earle-Brown writes biographically about her experiences on her journey to attaining her PhD.