Alex Carter
University of Exeter, School of PsychologyStart date: Sep-23
Research topic: The development of speciesist thinking
My research explores social and moral development in childhood and adolescence. Specifically, I am interested in speciesism (the assignment of different moral value based on species membership) in different cultural contexts, and how social norms and group processes influence children’s thinking about animals.Research supervisors: Dr Luke McGuire, Professor Adam Rutland
Alexandra Wilcox
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +4)
University of Bristol, Experimental PsychologyStart date: September 2018
Research topic: The Importance of Neural Plasticity in Ageing.
Research supervisors: TBD
Asha Ladwa
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Exeter, College of Life and Environmental SciencesStart date: March 2017
Research topic: Examining how, why and for whom psychological treatments for depression work
Currently there are effective psychological treatments for depression available, but we still do not know how and why these treatments work. Consequently, I will be using secondary data to investigate the processes that are related to patterns of depression symptom change within Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Behavioural Activation.Research supervisors: Dr Heather O'Mahen, Dr Kim Wright, Professor Adele Hayes (University of Delaware)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS) and the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (BABCP)Email:
Benjamin Woolf
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bristol, Department of Psychological ScienceStart date: September 2018
Research topic: Understanding Genomes in Social Contexts
My PhD thesis seeks to examine if there is a direct causal association between our friends genes and our own risk for psychiatric outcomes like depression, independent of our own genetic makeup. I will also examine if this mechanism is involved in building resilience, and if it generalises to on-line social networks as well as off-line social networks.Research supervisors: Dr Claire Haworth , Dr Oliver Davis
Brontë Graham
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Exeter, College of Life and Environmental SciencesStart date: October 2019
Research topic: Bilingualism and cognitive control
My research is focused on the role of cognitive control in bilingualism. I investigate the circumstances when bilingual communication is challenging and may depend on cognitive control as well as when it may be less cognitively demanding and possibly “cost-free”. I focus primarily on the role of cognitive control in language switching, both in language production and comprehension.Research supervisors: Professor Aureliu Lavric, Professor Stephen Monsell, Dr Heike Elchlepp
Chris Moreno-Stokoe
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bristol, School of Experimental PsychologyStart date: September 2017
Research topic: Investigating digital health technology
The medical world is lagging behind in their adoption of technology to deliver useful services such as booking appointments, understanding scientific data and delivering therapies. We don’t fully understand how to develop and incorporate these technologies for the good of the NHS and the British public. I’m working with academics and medical practitioners to understand and further the adoption of a range of digital health technologies. This research is situated within a branch of Applied Psychology known as Human Computer Interaction. This work stems from my professional practice.Research supervisors: TBC
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Specialist digital consultant, Dauntless R&DEmail:
Darya Klymenko
ESRC 1+3
Plymouth University, School of psychologyStart date: September 2022
Research topic: Growing up around different accents: the effect of speech variability on infant word recognition
My research is focused on how exposure to different accents affects the way infants learn their first language. I will be using a mixture of behavioural measures and EEG to study familiar word recognition in infants who grow up in families where parents speak with the same accents, and families where parents speak with the same accent.Research supervisors: Prof. Caroline Floccia, Dr Nina Kazanina, Prof. Jeremy Goslin
Emily Hammond
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Exeter, College of Life and Environmental SciencesStart date: September 2013
Research topic: Mind and matter: How mindfulness shapes phenomenological and embodied dimensions of emotion
Research supervisors: Dr Anke Karl
Emily Hughes
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Exeter, College of Life and Environmental SciencesStart date: September 2017
Research topic: Social identity, health behaviour and behaviour change
My research aims to provide a comprehensive test of the utility of a novel social identity model of behavioural associations (SIMBA) that proposes associations between the concepts of social identity, group norms, and individual behaviour. The model suggests that individuals are motivated to maintain a level of cognitive consistency. Therefore, behaviour change could be achieved through modifying the strength of any one of these associations. Through highlighting the way in which associations exist in established groups, can be created in novel groups, and can be changed in both novel and established groups, I hope for the research to serve as a foundation for behaviour change interventions.Research supervisors: Dr Joanne Smith, Dr Natalia Lawrence
Emma Osborne
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2019
Research topic: Metacognitive mechanisms of mindfulness-based prevention for eating disorders
I am investigating the relationship between metacognitive processing and key risk factors in the development of eating disorders, and assessing the extent to which these constructs are related to change in mindfulness-based intervention.Research supervisors: Professor Paul Chadwick, Dr Melissa Atkinson, Dr Nic Hooper
Gaurav Saxena
ESRC 1+3
University of Bristol, School of Psychological ScienceStart date: September 2022
Research topic: Decolonising Psychology
The historical focus of psychology on the perspectives of a select few (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic; WEIRD) has made psychological knowledge unrepresentative of the global context. Genuine decolonising efforts that go beyond mere diversification of reading lists are the need of the hour. I intend to advance decolonisation efforts by identifying the barriers preventing the backbone of psychology, psychology research methods, from decolonising. Further, I will investigate ways to address the need for global visibility of non-WEIRD research and develop an evidence-based strategy to support broader, discipline-wide global efforts to decolonise the psychology research methods curriculum.Research supervisors: Dr Peter Allen, Dr Chris Kent
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Editorial Board Member, The Open Review Journal
International Affiliate Member, American Psychological Association
Executive Committee Member, National Positive Psychology Association, India
Member, Decolonisation and Diversity Working Group, University of Bristol
Hannah Stokoe
Psychology +3
University of Exeter, Social and Organisational Psychology, Faculty of Health and Life SciencesStart date: September 2023
Research topic: Supporting the T in LGBT: Increasing Motivation for Collective Action for the Transgender Community Among Cisgender Sexual Minorities by Highlighting Shared Disadvantage
Whilst cisgender LGB+ people have seen some triumphs in their fight for equality, transgender individuals lag behind. The nested structure of the LGBT community leads to conflict and tension between the subgroups, creating an unexpected source of resistance to support transgender rights among LGB+ people. This creates a divide, with some LGB+ individuals engaging in collective action for the T and others advocating against the T. My research aims to explore this resistance by investigating the roles of shared disadvantage, perceived similarity, and intergroup contact in motivating collective action to understand how to increase support for the T in LGBT.Research supervisors: Dr Christopher Begeny, Prof Manuela Barreto
Hat Porter
University of Exeter September 2024Start date: September 2024
Research topic: The menstrual experiences of people with trauma exposure and/or mental illness
My research explores the menstrual experiences of people with trauma and/or mental illness using a feminist, survivor led approach. Mental and menstrual health are known to be closely interrelated. Additionally, suffering trauma is linked to higher incidence of menstrual disorders, problematic experiences and early menarche. However, there is a lack of qualitative research considering lived experiences at the intersections of menstruation, mental illness and trauma. Through my PhD, I will use mixed methods, including photographic and creative research methods, to research the lived experience of menstruation, trauma and mental illness.Research supervisors: Dr Gemma Sharp, Dr Anke Karl, Dr Fran Amery
Kailing Li
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bristol, Experimental PsychologyStart date: September 2019
Research topic: The effect of working memory components on maths competencies
My research investigates the importance of working memory in students’ mathematic performance. My research distinguishes from previous research by addressing the topic using working memory model proposed by Jarrold, and also its hierarchical relationship with mathematical competencies (conceptual understanding and procedural knowledge). The research is important in which it provides a fuller picture of working memory and math learning, and aid pedagogy to help students overcome any difficulties in their math learning.Research supervisors: Professor Christopher Jarrold, Dr Alf Coles
Katherine Petrilli
PhD Researcher in Psychology ESRC (+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2020
Research topic: Cannabis potency and mental health: triangulating the evidence
My research aims to triangulate evidence across these three interdisciplinary studies to answer a single research question looking at the association between cannabis potency and mental health. This will generate new robust knowledge, providing significant advances to the field with the potential to influence international cannabis policy and guidelines for safer use.Research supervisors: Dr Tom Freeman, Dr Lindsey Hines, Professor Celia Morgan
Lenard Dome
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
Plymouth University, School of PsychologyStart date: September 2019
Research topic: Ambiguity in Category Learning and Stereotype Formation
I am interested in the underlying processes of social categorization. I will look at how formal models of category learning, e.g. prototype models, can explain social categorization problems of between-group discrimination. My research exclusively focuses on problems: where participants generalize their experience to novel ambiguous items, and where responses are irrational or suboptimal – contradict to rational models, like Classical Probability Theory. The project’s backbone includes a large-scale model comparison across social categorization problems. But I will also extensively employ Open Science and Open Source practices to battle the problem of replicability and reproducibility in Psychology.Research supervisors: Professor Andy Wills, Dr Sylvia Terbeck
Lindsay Lenton-Maughan
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
Plymouth University, School of PsychologyStart date: October 2018
Research topic: Adolescent Anti-Social Behaviour. An Active Choice?
Adolescent Anti-Social behaviour is viewed as a normative part of the developmental process. That said, the outcomes of such behaviour on a young person’s future, although varying in severity, are often negative. The many factors which lead to a young person taking part in anti-social behaviour differ between individuals and groups. This project, through collaboration with local services, aims to investigate the decision to take part, the factors which are involved in this decision both for individual adolescents and groups and whether this decision can be altered using an intervention designed to impact upon an individual’s uniqueness.Research supervisors: Dr Alison Bacon, Professor Jon May
Luca Hargitai
ESRC 1+3
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2022
Research topic: Conceptualizing and Measuring Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Across the Lifespan
My research will explore the concept and measurement of ADHD and its links with mental health conditions across the lifespan with the hope of advancing our understanding of neurodevelopmental conditions.Research supervisors: Dr Punit Shah, Dr Graeme Fairchild, Prof. Chris Jarrold
Lucy Jackson
University of Bristol, School of Psychological ScienceStart date: September 2024
Research topic: The Reality of Inclusive Education: Assessing Educators’ Cognition, Behaviour and Language Around Autism
Despite UK government efforts to promote inclusion, autistic children often face unfair treatment in schools. This research examines if and how educators hold biases towards autistic students. First, I will assess how educator bias is mediated by educators’ self-esteem and how this bias may impact decision-making around support for autistic children. Second, I will analyse the language used in autism teacher training programs and consider teachers’ and autistic young peoples’ perspectives of language used in schools to discuss and describe autistic children. This research aims to identify and address biases in education, to improve health and education outcomes for autistic children.Research supervisors: Dr Josie Briscoe (University of Bristol) , Dr Sarah Gillie (University of West England)
Lucy Porter
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Exeter, Psychology, College of Life and Environmental StudiesStart date: September 2015
Research topic: Inhibitory Control Training to Improve Child Diet Quality
My research looks at whether a simple computer game can help children to make healthier decisions when choosing what to eat. Inhibitory control training (ICT) involves making quick motor responses (keyboard presses) to pictures of food unless a “stop” signal is presented at the same time. When these signals are presented consistently with images of unhealthy snacks (chocolate, sweets, biscuits), training can lead to automatic food-stop associations that reduce selection and intake of these foods. This project aims to determine the conditions under which ICT is most effective on improving child food choices.Research supervisors: Dr Natalia Lawrence (University of Exeter), Professor Frederick Verbruggen (University of Exeter), Dr Fiona Gillison (University of Bath)
Lucy Waldren
PhD Researcher in Psychology ESRC (1+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2020
Research topic: Understanding and improving measurement of individual differences in autism
My research will explore novel ways to quantify autism-related personality traits and their relationships with several socially relevant phenomena.Research supervisors: Professor Mitchell Callan, Dr Punit Shah, Dr Esther Walton
Lyndsey Bradley
Bournemouth University September 2024Start date: September 2024
Research topic: Understanding perception of stress in autistic and neurotypical children: an in-depth exploration with a view to improving health and well-being across the lifespan.
My research explores stress perceptions in autistic children. Autistic children may be increasingly susceptible to stress leading to poorer health outcomes including a higher risk of depression and lower life expectancy. Stress interventions are often informed by caregivers reporting on their child by proxy, although studies suggest children from about 8 years of age can explain stress. My research aims to understand how autistic children perceive stress to improve knowledge and inform stress interventions tailored to this population. The wider impact offers the greatest benefit of reducing the negative effects of stress to improve health and well-being.Research supervisors: Professor Julie Gamble-Turner, Doctor Rachel Moseley
Marike Sophie O’Donnell
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: September 2018
Research topic: The social psychology of epigenetics: as understood in stress, inflammation and disease models of health
Research supervisors: Tim Kurz, Julie Barnett, Adele Murrell
Marlene Staginnus
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2019
Research topic: Meta-Analysis of Differences in Brain Structure in Severe Antisocial Behaviour
Existing studies of brain structure in individuals with severe antisocial behaviour (e.g., youths with Conduct Disorder, adults with Antisocial Personality Disorder) are not entirely consistent. Therefore, as part of the ENIGMA-Antisocial Behaviour working group (, the aim of my PhD research is to meta-analyse neuroimaging data from research groups across the world to identify brain structure alterations that are reliably associated with antisocial behaviour and factors that influence brain structure in this population. I hope that my findings will improve our understanding of the biological correlates of antisocial behaviour and inform diagnosis, prevention, and intervention.Research supervisors: Dr Graeme Fairchild, Dr Esther Walton, Dr Jade Thai
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Member of the British Psychological Society (MBPsS)Email:
Masha Remskar
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2020
Research topic: Mindfulness, Movement and Mood: Mindfulness as Adjunctive Therapy to Physical Activity in a Digital Person-Based Mood Disorders Intervention
My research explores the effects of mindfulness practice and physical activity on student mental health. In particular, I am interested in the benefits that arise from combining the two approaches over and above either method individually. My aim is to develop and evaluate a digital intervention in collaboration with the University’s Student Services, Department of Computer Science and the B&NES division of Public Health England. Through this work I hope to expand the understanding of how mindfulness practice can help people engage in physical activity more regularly, and how this impacts their psychological well-being.Research supervisors: Professor Paul Chadwick, Dr Ben Ainsworth, Dr Max Western, Dr Olivia Maynard (University of Bristol)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
British Psychological Association memberEuropean Health Psychology Society member
Doctoral Faculty Representative for University of Bath’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (2020/21)
Maya Gumussoy
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Bristol, School of Experimental PsychologyStart date: September 2019
Research topic: Investigating the usefulness of social and educational interventions to reduce the disgust response towards the ingestion of insects and cultured meat
The topic of my research is novel foods and how the emotion of disgust plays a role in mediating our interactions with these foods. I am particularly interested in novel proteins that are more environmentally sustainable and nutritious than conventionally consumed meats. Protein sources such as insects and cultured meat are often rejected by Western consumers as they are perceived as disgusting. The aim of my research is to first understand this food rejection and second, to investigate the usefulness of social and educational interventions to overcome the disgust response so that these sustainable sources of protein become more widely consumed.Research supervisors: Professor Peter Rogers, Dr Danielle Ferriday, Professor Liesbeth Zandstra (Wageningen Uni)
Michael Richardson
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: January 2019
Research topic: Improving Inclusion of the Visually Impaired in Physical Activity with Assistive Technology
Research supervisors: Dr Michael J Proulx, Dr Karin Petrini, Dr João Roe
Mohsen Rajabi
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2022
Research topic: Understanding Social Influences on Child PTSD Among Refugee Families Affected by Trauma in LMICs
My name is Mohsen Rajabi, a doctoral researcher at the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath. My PhD research explores how caregivers and peers influence refugee children’s recovery from PTSD in resource-poor settings in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Trauma-exposed children often rely on social support, mainly from parents and peers, to cope with trauma-related distress. While evidence from high-income countries shows that caregiver responses impact child PTSD, little is known about these dynamics in socio-economically disadvantaged areas. Using qualitative interviews and a longitudinal assessment of refugee caregivers, my study aims to further understand parental and peer influences on children’s post-trauma recovery and inform culturally appropriate support strategies.Research supervisors: Professor Sarah Halligan, Dr Victoria Williamson, Professor Anke Karl, Professor Rachel Calam
Nicole Russell Pascual
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Exeter, College of Life and Environmental SciencesStart date: September 2019
Research topic: The specific effects of diversity ideologies on minority group representation
I am a PhD student interested in the ways organisational practices can increase workplace diversity. I was awarded the 1+3 ESRC scholarship under the supervision of Dr. Teri Kirby and Professor Michelle Ryan. My area of research investigates the effects specific components of diversity ideologies have on the representation of marginalised groups within organisations.Research supervisors: Dr. Teri Kirby, Prof. Michelle Ryan
Professional memberships/Positions held:
SWDTP Student Rep
Nimrah Afzal
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3.3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2020
Research topic: A Pilot Intervention Study Addressing Parental Responses to Child Trauma
My research is focused on the role of parents in the development of child PTSD following child trauma. Previous research suggests a link between parental responses to child trauma and subsequent child post-traumatic stress symptoms. Therefore, my research aims to create an online intervention targeting parental responses to child trauma in the early post-trauma. The intervention will be co-designed in with families and clinicians, through collaboration with the Emergency Department at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Through my research I hope to implement this intervention into routine services for trauma-exposed children.Research supervisors: Professor Sarah Halligan, Dr Rachel Hiller , Dr Mark Lyttle MD
Nina Higson-Sweeney
PhD Researcher in Psychology ESRC (+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2020
Research topic: Tired all the time: Fatigue in adolescents with depression
Depression frequently starts during adolescence, and fatigue is one of the nine main symptoms. Despite indications that many adolescents with depression also report problematic fatigue, it is often not routinely addressed or treated in public healthcare services for children and adolescents with mental health difficulties. Minimal research has been conducted in this area, so there are many unanswered questions as to the importance of fatigue in adolescent depression, including how it is experienced, identified, and treated. The aim of my PhD is to begin addressing this gap in our knowledge by exploring fatigue as a common symptom in adolescent depression.Research supervisors: Dr Maria Loades (University of Bath), Professor Barney Dunn (University of Exeter), Dr Kate Cooper (University of Bath)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
SWDTP Student RepEmail:
Rachel Clutterbuck
PhD Researcher in Advanced Quantitative Methods (ESRC +3)
University of Bath, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social and Policy SciencesStart date: January 2019
Research topic: Advancing the Study of ‘Mind Reading’ across Development in Typical and Atypical Populations
Research supervisors: Prof Mitchell Callan, Dr Punit Shah
Ralph Bagnall
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: September 2018
Research topic: Interviewing police suspects with autism: theory and best practice for interviews
Research supervisors: Mark Brosnan, Katie Maras, Ailsa Russell
Raqeeb Mahmood
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2020
Research topic: Removing the rose-tinted glasses: The effects of antidepressant drug withdrawal on mood and neurocognitive function
Research has demonstrated a role of negatively biased emotion processing in the development of depressive symptoms and has suggested that antidepressants work by targeting these negative biases. However, whilst these changes are well-documented, little is known about the effects of antidepressant withdrawal on emotion processing and mood. My PhD project aims are twofold, firstly to characterise mood and emotion processing changes associated with withdrawal over time to better understand the effects of antidepressant withdrawal and their time course. Secondly, to enable the identification of early markers of symptom and mood changes that might aid in predicting depressive relapse.Research supervisors: Dr Graeme Fairchild, Dr Katherine Button, Professor David Kessler, Professor Nicola Wiles
Robbie W. A. Clark
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Bristol, School of Psychological ScienceStart date: November 2020
Research topic: An exploration of the role and utility of the philosophy of science in psychological research
My aim is to understand how different philosophies of science and epistemologies shape research conduct and data synthesis in psychology research. My ultimate goal is to develop a coherent framework which reconciles the Popperian ideals of falsification with the human disposition towards theories of confirmation and inference to the best explanation.Research supervisors: Professor Marcus Munafò, Professor James Ladyman
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Member of the Bristol branches of both the URKN and ReproducibiliTea ClubEmail:
Rosie McGuire
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: September 2017
Research topic: An Investigation into the role of trauma-related memory processes and emotion regulation in the mental health of young people in care.
My PhD will focus on understanding key memory processes (over-general memory and intrusive memories) associated with poor mental health following trauma. I am also interested in the role that emotion regulation may play in this link between memory processes and trauma-related mental health problems, particularly as poor emotion regulation is a central problem for young people in foster care. As well as this, poor emotion regulation presents across a range of mental health problems associated with memory processes, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety; making it a useful focus when exploring risk factors in this more complex sample.Research supervisors: Dr Rachel Hiller, Professor Sarah Halligan
Rowan Knipe
University of Bath, School of psychologyStart date: September 2023
Research topic: Cognitive mechanisms of antidepressant action
The serendipitous discovery of antidepressant medication has left many unanswered questions about how antidepressants work. We do not know precisely how antidepressants treat depressive symptoms, or why it can take up to several weeks to see meaningful improvements in symptoms. I am approaching these questions from a cognitive perspective, bridging the gap between neurochemical theory and clinical practice. Specifically, I am investigating the role of social behaviour in antidepressant effect, using methods such as Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA).Research supervisors: Graeme Fairchild, Katherine Button
Email: E-mail:
Sally J. Turner
University of Bath, PsychologyStart date: October 2023
Research topic: Understanding the relationship between cannabis use and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
My PhD research investigates the association between cannabis use and ADHD, with specific emphasis on the harms and medicinal potential of cannabis amongst adults with ADHD. My PhD adopts novel and cross-disciplinary methodology, and employs novel quantitative, qualitative, and field-based research techniques, to analyse primary and secondary data provided by recreational and medicinal cannabis users across the UK. My research addresses the ESRC’s strategic priority ‘Securing Better Health’ and extends across other areas of importance for the ESRC and MRC.Publications:
- Turner, S. J. (2022) ‘Schizophrenia and cannabis use: new evidence measures risk of relapse’, MentalElf. Available at
- Turner, S. J., Slaney, C., Robinson, E. J., & Attwood, A. (2022). MSc Dissertation: An investigation of reward motivation in adults with low and high trait levels of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Open Science Framework. Doi:
- Turner, S. J. (2022) ‘Cannabis use in college: genetic predispositions less influential than social environment, Available at
- Turner, S. J., & Kent, C. (2022). Substance use is not associated with ADHD or reward sensitivity in young adults. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 36(8). 60-61.
- Turner, S. J., Slaney, C., & Attwood, A. (2023). MSc Dissertation: Experience of reward in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a qualitative study. Open Science Framework. Doi:
- Turner, S. (2023) ‘Drugs: What are they good for? 5-MeO-DMT edition’, Drug Science. Available at
Research supervisors: Dr Tom Freeman, Dr Jenny Scott, Dr Graeme Fairchild
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Honorary Research Assistant at Drug Science (About Drug Science –
Sophie Townend
Psychology +3
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: September 2021
Research topic: Identifying shared and distinct alterations in brain structure across internalising and externalising disorders through the ENIGMA consortium
There is increasing evidence of comorbidity which transcends distinct psychiatric diagnoses, as well as shared genetic influences found across disorders. My research will examine whether there are common alterations in brain structure across externalising (ADHD, substance dependence, conduct disorder) and internalising (anxiety, mood) disorders, or whether alterations are disorder-specific. Using data from international research groups within the ENIGMA consortium, this project will be the largest and most comprehensive neuroimaging study of transdiagnostic psychopathology in children and adolescents to date. I hope that the findings will have implications for our diagnostic systems, and inform future prevention and intervention strategies.Research supervisors: Dr Graeme Fairchild, Dr Esther Walton
Srimoyee Chaterjie
ESRC 1+3
University of Exeter, Faculty of Health and Life SciencesStart date: September 2022
Research topic: Intentional Linguistic Control in Bilinguals
My research focuses on testing the limits of intentional linguistic control in bilingual communication. I intend to examine how bilinguals can effectively switch between two (or more) languages and to what extent this process is ‘costly’ or ‘cost-free’ in terms of the cognitive resources employed. In doing so, I aim to advance our understanding of bilingual language processing.Research supervisors: Prof. Aureliu Laveric, prof. Jonathan Fieldsend
Toby Johnson
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
University of Exeter, College of Environmental and Life SciencesStart date: October 2020
Research topic: Investigating a Dual-Process Account of Learning, Memory, and Cognition
My research seeks to discover whether there is compelling evidence for associative processes in humans. We know that humans can learn associations between things via a verbal, propositional process, as we often reason to ourselves why two things are related. However, the existence of a subconscious associative process, that automatically builds associations without relying upon conscious knowledge, is questioned. My research will use behavioural, neuroscientific, and computational techniques to provide evidence toward this, and in doing so resolve the larger ongoing debate as to whether single or dual-process accounts of learning and memory are the better model for human cognition.Research supervisors: Professor Ian McLaren, Dr Ciro Civile
Yasamin Rahmati
University of Bristol, School of Psychological ScienceStart date: September 202
Research topic: A novel method of measuring executive function in autistic adults with a view to developing adaptive support strategies
Over three years, my research focuses on evaluating executive functions (EF) in autistic adults and developing personalized interventions. Year one entails designing a novel task to concurrently measure working memory (WM) and interference control (IC). In year two, I assess the framework’s reliability and validity, exploring multidimensional EF profiles in a large-scale study. In year three, I aim to develop adaptive programs for supporting goal-directed behavior in autistic adults, considering individual EF profiles. The study aims to deepen our understanding of EF in autism, refine interventions based on individual needs, and explore ecological solutions for improving goal-directed behavior.Research supervisors: Prof. Chris Jarrold, Dr. Punit Shah
Yasmin Sachdev
University of Bath, Department of PsychologyStart date: October 2024
Research topic: Agents of change: Understanding and improving different groups’ efficacy for fair and diverse climate action
My research responds to the urgent need for climate action by investigating relationships between individuals’ efficacy beliefs and diverse types of pro-environmental behaviour. While current efforts prioritize consumer behaviours, my research explores typically overlooked influence and citizenship behaviours, like talking about climate change and activism. Drawing on social psychological theories, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationships between different types of efficacy and climate actions, considering sociodemographic and contextual influences. Using findings from focus groups and surveys, I will develop and test interventions that increase efficacy and foster more effective, fairer climate action amongst different sociodemographic groups.Research supervisors: Professor Lorraine Whitmarsh, Dr Sam Hampton
Zehou (Damien) Wang
University of Bristol September 2024Start date: September 2024
Research topic: Using artificial intelligence (AI) to understand and improve eyewitness performance
My research focuses on understanding and improving human memory by enhancing police lineup procedures with AI. I will conduct studies to explore ways to create fairer lineups that reduce biases and misidentifications common in traditional methods. To support this, I’m deveoping a Python module called pyWitnessAI, which can handle tasks like generating lineups using various AI-related strategies. The work aims to make a more controllable and unbiased system, promoting open and transparent science, ultimately benefiting individuals and our society.Research supervisors: Prof. Laura Mickes, Prof. Jeffrey Bowers