Below is a bibliography of publications by SWDTP students. The list is not exhaustive and SWDTP students’ names appear in bold. If you’re a student and you’ve recently had something published, email swdtp-enquiries@bristol.ac.uk to have it added to the list.
ALFARO, M. J. V. (2020) Feminist solidarity networks have multiplied since the COVID-19 outbreak in Mexico in Interface, 12.1, 82-87.
ANDERSON, A. (2018) Online health information and public knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding antibiotics in the UK: Multiple regression analysis of Wellcome Monitor and Eurobarometer Data in PLoS ONE, 13, e0204878.
ANDERSON, A. (2019) Analysing incompliant attitudes towards antibiotic prescription completion in the UK in Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy [Online].
ARMITAGE, J. M., WANG, R. A. H., DAVIS, O. S. P., BOWES, L. and HAWORTH, C. M. A. (2021) Peer victimisation during adolescence and its impact on wellbeing in adulthood: a prospective cohort study in BMC Public Health, 21:148, 1-13.
ARMITAGE, J. M., WANG, R. A. H, DAVIS, O. S. P., COLLARD, P., & HAWORTH, C.M. A. (2021). Positive wellbeing and resilience following adolescent victimisation: An exploration into protective factors across development. JCPP Advances, e12024.
ATKINS, E. (2017) Dammed and Diversionary: The multi-dimensional framing of Brazil’s Belo Monte dam in Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 38, 276-292
ATKINS, E. (2017)Dams, political framing and sustainability as an empty signifier: the case of Belo Monte in Area [online]
ATKINS, E. (2017) Saltwater Geopolitics in North America in SOSA-NUNEZ, G. (ed.) Widening the Scope of Environmental Policies in North America: Towards Blue Approaches, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., Basingstoke [online]
ATKINS, E. (2016) Environmental Conflict: A Misnomer? in SOSA-NUNEZ, G. and E. ATKINS (eds) Environment, Climate Change & International Relations, E-International Relations [online]
ATKINS, E. K. (2014) Beyond State-Fetishism: the Case for Neoliberalism as a Hydro-Hegemon in School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol [online]
AUSTIN, L. (2019) Hii Chii Kok v (1) Ooi Peng Jin London Lucien; (2) National Cancer Centre: Modifying Montgomery in Medical Law Review, 27:2, 339–351
AVERY, T. S. (2018) Educating Refugee-background Students: Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts, S. Shapiro, R. Farrelly, M.J. Curry (Eds.), Multilingual Matters, Bristol (2018), xvi+259 in System [online]
AVERY, T. S., (2021) Pushing for a Truly Multilingual Britain in EAL Journal, 14, 60-61.
AZUBUIKE, O. B., ADEGBOYE, O., QUADRI, H., (2020) Who gets to learn in a pandemic? Exploring the digital divide in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria in International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2.2, 1-10.
BOSS, G. (2021) Basic Human Needs: Abstraction, Indeterminacy and the Political Account of Need in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy [online].
BRITTON, J. (2017) Smart meter data and equitable energy transitions – can cities play a role? in Local Environment [online]
BRITTON, J. and WOODMAN B. (2014) Local Enterprise Partnerships and the low-carbon economy: Front runners, uncertainty and divergence in Local Economy, 29, 617-634
BROWN, K. (2019) When Eurosceptics become Europhiles: far-right opposition to Turkish involvement in the European Union in Identities [online]
BUCHAN, P.M. and Yates, K.L. (2019) Stakeholder dynamics, perceptions and representation in a regional coastal partnership in Marine Policy, 101,
125-136 [online]
BUCHAN, P.M. (2019) We can all be citizens of the sea in Plymouth White Papers: Marine[online]
CARROLL, H. A., TOUMPAKARI, Z., JOHNSON, L., BETTS, J. A. (2017) The perceived feasibility of methods to reduce publication bias in PLOS One Tenth Anniversary [online]
CARROLL, H. A., BETTS, J. A., JOHNSON, L., (2016) An investigation into the relationship between plain water intake and glycated Hb (HbA1c): a sex-stratified, cross-sectional analysis of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2008–2012) in The British Journal of Nutrition [online]
CHARNESS, G., COBO-REYES, R., SANCHEZ, A. (2016) The effect of charitable giving on workers’ performance: Experimental evidence in Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation [online]
CONNOR P. M., XIE, L., LOWES, R., BRITTON, J., RICHARDSON, T. (2015) The development of renewable heating policy in the United Kingdom in Renewable Energy 75, 733-744
DENNING, S. (2019) Persistence in volunteering: an affect theory approach to faith-based volunteering in Social and Cultural Geography, 76.1, 136-149
DREYER, S., KURZ, T., PROSSER, A.M.B…. Swim, J,K. (2020) Towards a Psychology of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Costs and Opportunities in Journal of Social Issues [online]
Earle-Brown, H. (2020) Little Miss Homeless
Earle-Brown, H. (2021) Little Miss Homeless: creative methods for research impact in Cultural Geographies [online], 1-7.
FAGIN, J. (2016) The Search for Lost Blood: Why the Blood Has Run Dry in British Black Pudding in Offal: Rejected and Reclaimed Food- Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery 2016 [online]
FAULKNER, L., Brown, K., and Quinn, T. (2018) Analyzing community resilience as an emergent property of dynamic social-ecological systems in Ecology and Society 23(1):24.
FLOWER, J., PARKIN, J. (2019) Understanding attitudes to priorities at side road junctions in Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 62, April 2019, 246-257
Forstmann, M., Yudkin, D.A., Prosser, A.M.B., Heller, S.M., Crockett, M.J. (2020) Transformative experience and social connectedness mediate the mood-enhancing effects of psychedelic substance use in naturalistic settings, PNAS,
FOSTER COLLINS, H. (2017) Interprofessional Learning, Support and Feedback in Early Career Professionals in Research Intelligence, 134, 28.
Gumisiriza, George, (2021) African Diasporic Bereavement Stories in the UK Through ‘Repatriationscapes’, The Collective for Radical Death Studies [online]
HAWKEN, T. (2018) Hints and Tips: When Anxiety Comes Knocking in PsyPAG Quartlerly, 106, 37-39 [online]
HENDERSON, L. (2020) Hatching a Business in Rural History Today, 39, [online]
Hooker, J. (2020) Intervention – “Militant Research and the Epistemologies of Pandemic Segregation” in Antipode Online [online]
HOTHAM, T. (2018) Facebook is Restricting Search Results- is this Taking Transparency Seriously? in The Conversation [online]
ISMAIL, N. (2019) Contextualising the pervasive impact of macroeconomic austerity on prison health in England: a qualitative study among international policymakers in BMC Public Health [online]
ISMAIL, N. (2020) Deterioration, drift, distraction, and denial: How the politics of austerity challenges the resilience of prison health governance and delivery in England in Health Policy, 124:12, 1368-1378.
ISMAIL, N. (2020) The Politics of Austerity, Imprisonment and Ignorance: A Case Study of English Prisons, in Science and the Law, 60:2, 89-92.
ISMAIL, N. (2019) Rolling back the prison estate: the pervasive impact of macroeconomic austerity on prisoner health in England in Journal of Public Health [online]
ISMAIL, N., FORRESTER, A. (2020) The state of English Prisons and the Urgent Need for Reform in The Lancet Public Health, 5:7, E368-E369.
JIMENEZ-ACEITUNO, A., MEDLAND, L., DELGADO, A., CARBALLES-BRETON, A., MAIQUES-DIAZ, A., DIAZ MUNOZ, L., MARIN-RODRIGUEZ, M., CHARMORRO-ORTIZ, P., CASADO-CID B. (2016) Social Theatre as a Tool for Environmental Learning Processes: A Case Study from Madrid, Spain in MONROE, M., KRASNY M. (eds) Across the Spectrum: Resources for Environmental Educators. North American Association for Environmental Education, 281-296
JONES, E., (2021) Distinguishing regeneration from degradation in coral ecosystems: the role of value in Synthese, [online].
James, Michelle L. (2021) Can Community-Based Social Protection Interventions Improve the Wellbeing of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the United Kingdom? A Systematic Qualitative Meta-Aggregation Review Social Sciences, 10:6, 194
Kameshwara, K. K., Eryilmaz, N., Tian, M., & Sandoval-Hernández, A. (2020). Teachers’ Pedagogical Autonomy, Professional Development and Students’ Digital Skills: New Evidence from Italy. Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali, 2, 421-439.
Kameshwara, K. K., Sandoval-Hernández, A., Shields, R., & Dhanda, K. (2020) A False Promise? Decentralization in Education Systems across the Globe. International Journal of Educational Research, 104, 1-15
Kurz, T.R., Prosser, A.M.B, Rabinovich, A., O’Neill, S. (2020) Could vegans and lycra cyclists be bad for the planet? Theorising the role of Moralised Minority Practice Identities in processes of societal-level change in Journal of Social Issues, 76:1, 86-100
LAFARGUE, P., ROGERSON, M., PARRY, G. C. and ALLAINGUILLAUME, J. (2021), “Broken chocolate: biomarkers as a method for delivering cocoa supply chain visibility”, Supply Chain Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
LEWIS, G. (2017) “Let Your Secrets Sing Out”: An Auto-ethnographic Analysis on How Music Can Afford Recovery from Child Abuse in Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 17,2 [online]
LEWIS, G. (2020) ‘A Pathway to Dystopia: An Exploration into the Relationship between Populist Ideology and Necropolitical Regimes’ in Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium, 5:1, 138-155.
LLOYD, E. C. and STEINGLASS, J. E. (2018) What can food-image tasks teach us about anorexia nervosa? A systematic review in Journal of Eating Disorders, 6:31 [online]
LLOYD, E. C., HAASE, A. M., VERPLANKEM, B. (2018) Anxiety and the development and maintenance of anorexia nervosa: protocol for a systematic review in Systematic Reviews, 7:14 [online]
LLOYD, E. C., FRAMPTON, I., VERPLANKEN B., HAASE A. M. (2017) How extreme dieting becomes compulsive: A novel hypothesis for the role of anxiety in the development and maintenance of anorexia nervosa in Medical Hypotheses, 108, 144–150
LLOYD, E. C., ØVERÅS, M., Rø, Ø., Verplanken B., Haase, A. M. (2019) Predicting the restrictive eating, exercise, and weight monitoring compulsions of anorexia nervosa in Eat Weight Disord, 1-7
LLOYD, E. C., HAASE, A. M., FOSTER, C. E., VERPLANKEM, B. (2019) A systematic review of studies probing longitudinal associations between aniety and anorexia nervosa in Psychiatry Research, 276, 175-185
LOMBARD, D., WITTENBERG, R., ETTELT, S., WILLIAMS, L., PERKINS, M., DAMANT, J. and MAYS, N. (2019) Evaluating direct payments in residential care: the perspective of care home providers in International Journal of Care and Caring, Vol 3 No 3, 393-411
MANN, R. H., CLIFT, B. C., BOYKOFF, J., BEKKER, S. (2020) Athletes as Community; Athletes in Community: COVID-19, Sporting Mega-Events and Athlete Health Protection in British Journal of Sports Medicine [online].
MANN, R. H., WILLIAMS, C. A., CLIFT, B. C., BARKER, A. R. (2018) The Validation of Session Rating of Perceived Exertion of Quantifying Internal Training Load in Adolescent Distance Runners in International journal of sports physiology and performance, 14(3), 1-22
MARTIN, L., PAHL, S., WHITE, M. P., MAY, J. (2019) Natural environments and craving: The mediating role of negative affect in Health & Place [online]
MCGLINCHEY, S., WALTERS, R., SCHNEINPFLUG C. (2017) International Relations Theory, Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing [online]
MCLOUGHLIN, E. (2018) Knowing Cows: Transformative Mobilisations of Humans and Nonhumans in an Emotionography of the Slaughterhouse in Gender, Work and Organ 1-21
MCLOUGHLIN, E. (2015) #SaveBenjy: Sexuality, Queer Animals, and Ireland in Humanimalia: A Journal of Human/Animal Interface Studies, 7:1, 109-122
MEDLAND, L. (2017) Misconceiving ‘seasons’ in global food systems: the case of the EU Seasonal Workers Directive in European Law Journal, 23:3-4, 157-171
MEDLAND, L. (2017) Language learning as research rehearsal: Preparation for multi-linguistic field research in Morocco in GIBB, R., TREMLETT, A., DANERO IGLESIAS, J. (eds) Learning and Using Languages in Ethnographic Research [online]
MEDLAND, L. (2016) Working for Social Sustainability: Insights from a Spanish Organic Production Enclave in Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 40, 1133-1156
MIDDEL, A., KAMESHWARA, KK, & SANDOVAL-HERNANDEZ, A. (2020). Analysis of trends in the relationship between child labor, gender and academic achievement in Latin America. in Ibero-American Journal of Education, 84:1, 85-108.
Middlemiss, Aimee (2020) Pregnancy remains, infant remains, or the corpse of a child? The incoherent governance of the dead foetal body in England in Mortality [online]
Middlemiss, Aimee (2020) ‘It felt like the longest time of my life’: Using foetal Dopplers at home to manage anxiety about miscarriage.’ in Kilshaw, S. and Borg, K (eds), Navigating Miscarriage: Social, Medical and Conceptual Perspectives, 160-183.
MITCHELL, S. B., HAASE, A. M., CUMMING, S. P., MALINA, R. M. (2017) Understanding growth and maturation in the context of ballet: a biocultural approach in Research in Dance Education, 1-10
MITCHELL, S. B., HAASE, A. M., MALINA, R. M., CUMMING S. P. (2017)The role of puberty in the making and breaking of young ballet dancers: Perspectives of dance teachersin Journal of Adolescence, 47. 81-19
PERRY, H. (2017) The Impact of Contact and Living Arrangements on a Child’s Psychological Developmentin Family Law Online, 47:1 [online]
Prosser, A.M.B., Judge, M., Blackwood, L., Bolderdijk, J.W., Kurz, T. (in press) ‘Distancers’ and ‘non-distancers’? The potential social-psychological impact of moralising COVID-19 mitigating practices on sustained behaviour change, British Journal of Social Psychology, Preprint available.
REDFERN, A. S., BENTON C. P (2017) Expressive faces confuse identity in I-Perception, 8:5, 1-21
REDFERN, A. S., BENTON C. P (2017) Expression dependence in the perception of facial identity in I-Perception, 8:3 [online]
REDFERN, A. S., BENTON C. P (2017) Expressive faces confuse identity in I-Perception, 8:5, 1-21
RICHARDSON, L. M., GINN, J., PROSSER, A. M. B., FERNANDO, J.W., JUDGE, M., Improving Research on the Psychology of Sustainable Consumption: Some Considerations from an Early Career Perspective. Journal of Social Issues, 76.1, 150-163.
ROGERSON, M., PARRY, G. C. (2020) Blockchain: case studies in food supply chain visibility in Supply Chain Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
ROGERSON, M., CRANE, A., SOUNDARARAJAN, V., GROSVOLD, J., CHO., C. H. (2020) Organisational Responses to Mandatory Modern Slavery Disclosure Legislation: a Failure of Experimentalist Governance?, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 33:7, 1505-1534
SEALY, T. (2017) Making the “Other” from “Us”: The Representation of British Converts to Islam in Mainstream British Newspapersin Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 37:2, 196-210
SEALY, T. (2017) Multiculturalism, interculturalism, ‘multiculture’ and super-diversity: Of zombies, shadows and other ways of being in Ethnicities [online]
SHIELDS, R., BANERJEE, S., SHAJAHAN, P.K., SINGH G. B., BISTA, M. B., KRISHNA, G., PAUDEL, M., SINGH, A., SANDOVAL-HERNANDEZ, A., CARNEY, S. C., KAMESHWARA, K. K., & DHANDA K. R. (2021) The Double Pendulum: Accountability relationships and learning in urban South Asia, International Journal of Educational Development, 102438
SHIELDS R., KUMAR KAMESHWARA, K., (2019), Social Justice Perspectives on Education, Skills, and Economic Inequalities in Handbook on Promoting Social Justice in Education [online] 1-15
SHIELDS R., KUMAR KAMESHWARA, K., (2021), ‘Marxism in Comparative and International Education: Foundational Political Economy Perspectives on Education’ in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theory in Comparative and International Education, 53-68.
SOSA-NUNEZ, G. and ATKINS, E. (2016) Environment, Climate Change & International Relations, E-International Relations [online]
STONE, S., and MURAKAMI, K., (2021) Children’s humour and the grotesque pleasures in school mealtime socialisation in Children and Society, [online]
STONE, S., and MURAKAMI, K., (2021) Children’s subversive interactions in the school mealtime in Culture & Psychology, 0.0, 1-16.
SWEIDA-METWALLY, S. (2021) Spending Ethically for Justice: A Muslim Response to the Uyghur Genocide, Yaqueen Institute for Islamic Research, [online]
TEGGI, D. (2020) Care homes as hospices for the prevalent form of dying: An analysis of long-term care provision towards the end of life in England in Social Science in Medicine, 260, 1-11
TEGGI, D. (2018) Unexpected death in ill old age: An analysis of disadvantaged dying in the English old population in Social Science in Medicine, 217, 112-120
VENN, A. (2017) Universal Human Rights? Breaking the Institutional Barriers Facing Climate-Vulnerable Small-Island Developing States in Climate Law, 7: 4, 322 – 346
WALTERS, R. (2018) Reading girls’ participation in Girl Up as feminist: club members’ activism in the UK, USA and Malawi in Gender and Development, 26:3, 477-493
WALTERS, R. (2017) This Is My Story: The reclaiming of girls’ education discourses in Malala Yousafzai’s autobiography in Girlhood Studies, 10:3, 23-38
WALTERS, R. (2016) ‘Shot Pakistani Girl’: The limitations of girls’ education discourses in UK newspaper coverage of Malala Yousafzai in British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 18:3, 650-670
WANG, R. A. H., NELSON-COFFEY, S. K., LAVOUS, K., JACOBS BAO, K., DAVIS, O. S. P., HAWORTH,C. M. A. (2017) Moderators of wellbeing interventions: Why do some people respond more positively than others? In PLOS One Tenth Anniversary [online]
WANG, R. A. H., DAVIS, O. S. P., WOOTTON, R. E., MOTTERSHAW, A., HAWORTH,C. M. A. (2017) Social support and mental health in late adolescence are correlated for genetic, as well as environmental, reasons in Scientific Reports [online]
WASLEY, D. and EDEN, S. (2017) Predicting psychological distress of informal carers of individuals with major depressive or bipolar disorder in International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27:1, 358-367
WILDER, R. (2017) ‘Knowledge’ in English primary schools’ decision-making about sex and relationships education in Health Education Journal [online]
YEO, R. A. (2017) Disabled asylum seekers as experimental subjects in a broader systemic agenda of inequality in FEE, D and A. Kober-Smith (eds.) Inequalities in the UK: New discourses, evolutions and actions, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 235-252
YEO, R. (2017) The deprivation experienced by disabled asylum seekers in the United Kingdom: symptoms, causes, and possible solutions in Disability & Society, 32:5, 657-677
YEO, R. (2017) Kamil Ahmad: failed by the Home Office, then murdered in Bristol in The Guardian [online]
YUDKIN, D. A., Prosser, A. M. B., & Crockett, M. J. (2018) Actions speak louder than outcomes in judgments of prosocial behavior in Emotion [online]