The SWDTP currently has student representatives that are recruited through an open call for volunteers.
They represent the SWDTP students’ interests to SWDTP management and the Academic Advisory Board (AAB); attending AAB meetings; ensuring good communication between all parties involved in the Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP); managing SWDTP social events; providing input for DTP strategies, handbook and incoming funding applications; reviewing and evaluating Impact Fund applications.
If you have any questions for the reps or have any issues that you wish for them to raise at the AAB, please contact a rep from your institution directly via the emails on their profiles.
The reps attend meetings 4-5 times a year at venues rotated through the institutions.
Lyndsey Bradley
Psychology, Bournemouth University
Conor Francis Macis
Socio-legal studies, University of Bristol
Catriona Brickel
Social Policy, University of Bath
Kseniia Lavrenteva
Socio-legal studies, University of Exeter
Maxime Perrott
Advanced Quantitative Methods, University of Bristol
Monica Sanchez Hernandez
Social Policy, University of Bristol
Ella Barclay
Health and Wellbeing, University of West England
Judith Kibuye
Sociology, University of Bristol
Hannah Stokoe
Psychology, University of Exeter
Kim Farrugia
Health and Wellbeing, University of Bath
Heidi Barron
Human Geography, University of Plymouth
Roshini Suresh (associated student rep)
University of West England
Wanting to get involved?
Student reps are an important part of the SWDTP to inform the way we work and to lead various cohort building activities. If you are interested in becoming a student rep, please contact one of the reps or