Political Science and International Studies
Political Science and International Studies +3
Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies, University of Bath
Start date: 02/10/2023
Research topic: Anti-Populism and Pluralism: A Comparative Analysis
Populism, which posits ‘the people’ against ‘the elite’, is often considered a significant challenge to liberal democracy. Namely, because of its supposed incompatibility with liberal-democratic pluralism, the understanding that political power should be widely diffused. In response, several political, academic, and media elites have come to occupy an ‘anti-populist’ position to defend pluralism from populist challengers. Such elites, however, have themselves been accused of undermining pluralism through their supposed marginalisation of dissent and demonisation of those who challenge neoliberalism. My research appraises anti-populist discourses to determine their efficacy in promoting pluralism against populism’s oft alleged authoritarian tendencies.
Research supervisors: Dr Aurelien Mondon, Dr Sophia Hatzisavvidou, Dr George Newth
Email: ay557@bath.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexkyates2000