Management and Business Studies
PhD Researcher in Management and Business (ESRC 1+3)
School of Management, University of Bath
Start date: September 2017
Graduation date: September 2022
Research topic: The effectiveness of innovation policy and its implications for industrial strategy; a behavioural approach
The research focuses on innovation policy and industrial strategy. More specifically, I am interested in the effectiveness of public R&D support measures in promoting private R&D and innovation and the associated implications for industrial strategy. Beyond the effects on R&D and innovation outputs, the study will attempt to capture firm-level behavioural changes due to the receipt of public support.
Research supervisors: Dr Phil Tomlinson , Professor Hugh Lauder
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Meta-Analysis of Economic Research Network (MAER-Net), Hendrix College (since 2013)
The Open Review (TOR) journal