Social Policy Alumni
PhD Researcher in Social Policy (ESRC +3)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Bath
Start date: October 2017
Graduation date: March 2022
Research topic: End of Life Care in Care Homes
Current position:
Lecturer in Sociology in the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath
Research supervisors: Dr Kate Woodthorpe, Emeritus Professor Malcolm Johnson, Dr Matt Dickson
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Social & Policy Sciences Academic Representative (University of Bath) Publications:
Teggi, D. (2018) Unexpected death in ill old age: An analysis of disadvantaged dying in the English old population in Social Science in Medicine, 217, 112-120 Available:! DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.09.048
Teggi, D. (2020) Care homes as hospices: the problem with long-term care provision towards the end of life in England, LSE Politics and Policy Blog.
Teggi, D. (2020) Care homes as hospices for the prevalent form of dying: An analysis of long-term care provision towards the end of life in England, Social Science & Medicine, 260, 113150 (open access copy).