Advanced Quantitative Methods
ESRC 1+3
School of Geography / School of Education, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2022
Research topic: How can we teach tomorrow’s adults the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to tackle global issues and intercultural situations? A multilevel modelling secondary data analysis of PISA 2018 ‘global competence’ assessments
My research aims to uncover the complex mechanisms behind the cognitive and attitudinal aptitudes of schooled teenagers to understand and tackle global issues. This will be through three interlinked studies analysing new Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 data on Global Competence (GC) assessments with a combination of Multilevel Modelling and Structural Equation Modelling. Each study will address a specific issue: (1) the relationships between GC with student and school characteristics, (2) the role of student wellbeing and school climate measures in determining GC, (3) the impact of including global issues in national policies and school curriculums on GC.
Research supervisors: George Leckie, David Manley
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Postgrad Rep for the LGBTQ+ Society