Health and Wellbeing/Health, Wellbing & Society
Department of Psychology, University of Bath
Start date: Oct-23
Research topic: Exploring social prescribing effectiveness: enhancing the role of third sector organisations in health and environmental outcomes
My research is investing the social prescribing system which involves health and social care professionals referring individuals to community resources via a ‘link worker’. This approach aligns with a shift towards recognising social determinants of health and aims to address the rising use of pharmaceuticals impacting individuals and the environment through traces in wastewater. The voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector plays a pivotal role in providing these community resources, including support groups, physical activities, advocacy, and nature-based interventions. This PhD aims to characterise VCSE dynamics and the link between social prescribing and pharmaceuticals through a mixed methods approach.
Research supervisors: Prof. Julie Barnett, Prof. Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern, Dr. Kerryn Husk