Human Geography
PhD Researcher in Human Geography (ESRC 1+3)
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter
Start date: September 2019
Research topic: Yoga and gendered wellbeing: Exploring new ontologies of wellbeing and gendered body shame through innovative and ethnographic studies of yoga practices and spaces.
My ethnographic research of diverse yoga practices and spaces will deploy a novel ‘moving interview’ method to contribute to debates on gendered and embodied geographies of health and wellbeing. Modern postural yoga has rapidly gained popularity in the West (Singleton, 2010), and this research will foreground practitioners’ lived experiences of the body in contemporary yoga spaces, enabling an exploration of new ontologies of wellbeing and gendered body shame. This will open up novel analytical lines towards understanding wellness outside of consumerist, neoliberal and medico-scientific discourses (Dolezal, 2012).
Research supervisors: Dr Jennifer Lea, Prof John Wylie, Dr Luna Dolezal