Economics Alumni
PhD Researcher in Economics (ESRC +3)
Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2015
Graduation date: March 2020
Research topic: The role of non-wage job characteristics as determinants of women’s wages and employment patterns in labour markets characterised by search
At the moment, I am analysing a large set of social security data to find out to what extent women are more likely than men to accept lower wages to avoid long commutes. Women’s shorter commutes could thus contribute to enduring discrepancies in men’s and women’s wages and other labour market outcomes. A particular focus is on differences between women in urban and rural areas, the effect of childbirth, and the role of childcare availability. I use duration (aka survival) analysis and a structural model of a search labour market to infer behavioural parameters from observed choices.
Research supervisors: Dr Annette Bergemann, Dr Gerard van den Berg
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Regularly visiting Institute for Employment Research (IAB, Nuremberg), previously worked with/at German Federal Statistical Office, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW, Mannheim) and German Institute for Economic Research (DIW, Berlin).