PhD Researcher in Education (ESRC +3)
Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2016
Research topic: Facilitating inclusive identity discourse through coauthored personal writing in the primary classroom: an empowerment inquiry in collaboration with Bristol City Council’s Gypsy Roma Traveller Support Team.
In collaboration with Bristol City Council’s Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Team, I am investigating the potential benefits of identity discourse between Gypsy Roma Traveller pupils and their teachers through the production of coauthored inclusive literature. Cooperative and creative projects that facilitate identity discourse through story-sharing could offer an opportunity to develop important cultural understanding between pupil and teacher and, importantly, offer Gypsy Roma Traveller pupils a chance for their voice to be heard in the education system from which they are too often excluded.
Research supervisors: Dr Sue Timmis, Mrs Helen Knowler