Area and Development Studies
Area & Development Studies +3
Social & Policy Sciences, University of Bath
Start date: 1/10/2023
Research topic: The Impact of Norms on Adolescent Girls’ Menstrual Health in Nepal
My research will explore how norms impact adolescent girls’ menstrual health in Nepal and identify how these norms can be addressed. The research will sit within the broader ‘Menstrual Justice in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’ (MeJARa) project and will include primary data collection and analysis conducted in collaboration with the Center for Research on Environment, Health and Population Activities in Nepal.
The following questions will guide the research:
1. What influences norms and beliefs regarding menstruation in Nepal?
2. How do menstrual norms and beliefs affect adolescent girls’ menstrual experiences?
3. How can the Nepali government support menstrual health?
The following questions will guide the research:
1. What influences norms and beliefs regarding menstruation in Nepal?
2. How do menstrual norms and beliefs affect adolescent girls’ menstrual experiences?
3. How can the Nepali government support menstrual health?
Research supervisors: Dr Melanie Channon & Dr Fran Amery