Advanced Quantitative Methods
PhD Researcher in Advanced Quantitative Methods (ESRC 1+3)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Social and Policy Sciences/Department of Education, University of Bath
Start date: October 2017
Graduation date: June 2023
Research topic: Accountability & Learning Outcomes in School Education System: Examining Cross-Contextual Public Secondary School Education Systems
Despite the progress made in the last few decades in developing countries, evidence demonstrates a lack of translation of schooling into learning. The role of systemic factors such as accountability processes continues to remain under researched amidst the prevailing challenges. In this backdrop, my research seeks to bridge the knowledge gap by studying, how accountability processes in public secondary school education systems affect the learning outcomes of students from various socio-economic backgrounds? My study employs a systems approach which views school system as a set of or a network of relationships and cumulative practices occurring in a particular format.
You can find a recent article from Kalyan here
Research supervisors: Dr Andres Sandoval-Hernandez, Dr Liz Washbrook