Political Sciences and International Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Political Science and International Studies (ESRC 1+3)
Department of Politics, Languages and International Studies, University of Bath
Start date: September 2014
Graduation date: June 2019
Research topic: Seeking common ground: Assessing the practical implementation of the EU’s normative power in EU-China relations
My thesis seeks to assess the mechanisms used by the EU to practically coordinate and employ its values (or norms) in EU-China diplomatic dialogues. The bilateral relationship represents arguably the hardest test case for the EU’s normative power, due to the tension between the Union’s significant economic interests and its constitutional mandate to uphold its values with this key bilateral partner, that holds different values in many areas.
Research supervisors: Professor Charles Lees, Dr Maria Garcia
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Visiting Scholar Renmin University of China, Co-chair University of Bath International Relations and Postgraduate Group (IREP).
Email: M.R.Taylor@bath.ac.uk