Socio-Legal Studies
ESRC 1+3
Law School, University of Bristol
Start date: October 2022
Research topic: The Right to Health and Mental Health Law and Policy in England: The Lived Experiences of Filipino Migrant Women
In this research, I explore the synergies and tensions between Article 25 (right to health) of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and mental health laws and policies in England, with specific focus on the lived experiences of Filipino migrant women as a case study. My research combines doctrinal and reform-oriented critical methods with qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. The research design aims to capture the personal and subjective dimensions of Filipino migrant women’s experiences and how these are shaped by broader socio-legal factors. This potentially contributes to more nuanced perspectives that situate personal stories and the subjective dimensions of individual experiences within the social phenomena of law, which may assist future migrant health-related policy and legislation.
Research supervisors: Prof. Judy Laing, Prof. John Coggon
Professional memberships/Positions held:
1. Practicing attorney in the Philippines 2. Bristol Institute for Learning and Teaching Student Fellow for Embedding Wellbeing and Belonging in the Curriculum (2022/2023)
Email: patricia.miranda@bristol.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patriciabmiranda/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pa3ciamiranda
Website/Blog: https://linktr.ee/pattymiranda