Security, Conflict and Human Rights
PhD Researcher in Security, Conflict and Justice (ESRC 1+3)
Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath
Start date: September 2018
Research topic: Between Recognition and Resistance: Controlling the narrative of South African sites of memory
Taking an intersectional approach, considering dimensions of race, space, class, generation and power, and employing a mixed methodology of ethnographic, oral history and community-based participatory action, this research aims to consider the ways in which narratives of memory can be (re)produced, recognised or resisted through the (often competing) structures and patterns of remembering in South Africa. Spatially, the scope of this research will seek to create distinctions between the ways in which such narratives, grounded in social discourse, are mobilised within formal, official spaces aimed at obligating interaction with the past, such as museums and sites of memory, and within informal, quotidian spaces, such as communities, concerned with change for the future.
Research supervisors: Dr Peter Manning, Dr Stacey Hynd
Professional memberships/Positions held: