Health and Wellbeing/Health, Wellbing & Society Alumni
PhD Researcher in Health and Wellbeing (ESRC 1+3)
Children’s Health & Exercise Research Centre, Sport & Health Sciences, University of Exeter
Start date: September 2015
Graduation date: December 2021
Research topic: Training Practices, Health Problems and Athletic Identity in Adolescent Distance Runners.
This PhD research aims to improve our understanding regarding the typical training practices (i.e. what type of training is being completed?), health problems (i.e. which injuries and illnesses occur most frequently and what are the associated risk factors?) and athletic identity (i.e. how do health problems influence an individual’s athletic identity?) of adolescent distance runners. An interdisciplinary research design will be used, in order to generate an integrated understanding of these themes. This research will form a distinct contribution to the existing literature by improving our knowledge of how to manage the training practices and health problems of adolescent distance runners, with applicability to coaches, practitioners, athletes and academics.
Research supervisors: Dr Alan Barker (Bath), Professor Craig Williams (Exeter) , Dr Bryan Clift
Professional memberships/Positions held:
- British Association of Sport and Exercise Science Member.
- Organising Committee Member SWDTC Student Conference 2016.
- Student Staff Liaison Committee Subject Chair: Sport and Health Sciences, 2015/16.