Health and Wellbeing/Health, Wellbing & Society, Student Rep
PhD Researcher in Health and Wellbeing (ESRC +3)
Department for Health, University of Bath
Start date: October 2018
Research topic: A critical and creative exploration of childhood trauma recovery. Knowing-doing trauma-informed public pedagogy.
Victoria Christodoulides is an SWDTP scholarship PhD student within the Health Department at the University of Bath. Victoria’s project focuses on co-exploring how childhood trauma recovery literacies impact understanding and practising of recovery beyond the biomedical. Using co-constructive Participatory Action arts based approaches, Victoria looks to explore how informal public pedagogical spaces can support this extension. Victoria is utilising an interdisciplinary perspective incorporating sociology, policy and the arts with expertise from Universities at Bath and UWE. Working collaboratively with external organisations the project will develop an engaging experience through an exhibition examining these questions within public space. Victoria engages with post-qualitative inquiry and feminist new materialist thought to support the re-imagination of how recovery literacies are conceptualised and utilised, with particular attention to affective pedagogies.
Research supervisors: Professor Emma Rich, Dr Alinka Gearon, Professor Leslie Bunt
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Present Health Doctoral Student Representative
Social Research Association
Email: V.A.Christodoulides@bath.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victoria-christodoulides-98885552/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VChrist0