On this page you will find the information required to apply for ESRC funded PhD studentships and ESRC Post-doctoral fellowships.

ESRC post-doctoral fellowships
Fellowships are aimed at providing a development opportunity for those in the immediate postdoctoral stage of their career, to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills. See More…
ESRC Funded Studentships
The SWDTP supports doctoral students by developing not only their research skills, but by offering a wide range of training, placements, activities and events as well. See More…

How do I Apply for a Studentship
Information on how to apply for an ESRC funded studentship with the SWDTP. See More…
Are you eligible for ESRC Studentship Funding?
Find out if you are eligible for ESRC funding, to make up at least 50% of your postgraduate research programme. See More…

Potential Supervisor Database
Finding the right PhD supervisor is not always easy. Search our Database to find a potential supervisor across SWDTP Partner Institutions. See More…