SWDTP Student Conference 2019
Effective and Innovative Communication of your Research
Wednesday 13th November 2019
University of Exeter, St Luke’s Campus
Well the SWDTP Conference 2019 is certainly moving forward and have we got some great ideas whizzing around our heads. It is a pleasure to be chairing this years conference and this year’s committee have been working so hard to make this a conference to remember.
This is what we can tell you so far:
The conference theme is ‘Innovative and Effective Communication in your Research’. We are looking for abstracts from those who can present the innovative and effective ways that they have communicated their research to the wider world, i.e. to the public, collaborators, fellow PhD’s, community groups, magazines and journals etc. We are also interested in the way that you communicate your abstracts or poster, such as by having an object as a talking point or a flare of dance moves if you so wish. We really would like to encourage presenters to think about anything related to effective and innovative communication, so get your thinking caps on.
Sustainable Travel – Jonathan Flower has done a fantastic job and secured a great deal with GWR trains. Those who attend can get 50% off travel to and from the conference at the University of Exeter. Jonathon is also working on organising a shuttle bus from Exeter St Davids Station to St Luke’s Campus to make it easier for delegates to attend. More on sustainable travel arrangements to come.
Social Media and Contact – We now have social media platforms set up thanks to Daisy Curtis. Please join, like, share and post on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. We will be updating this regularly from now on, showcasing pictures, news, key dates, keynote speakers and maybe some videos.
After Party/Social Event – By now you should have all received an email with a survey regarding having an after party/social event at the Cross-Keys on St Luke’s campus. If you haven’t, it can be found here. Please do spend 30 seconds filling it out if you haven’t already. We really want those who attend to have the chance to get to know each other outside of the main conference setting. Your results matter and we will be acting on what the questionnaires tells us.
Bring your supervisor – This year’s conference you can also invite your supervisor to attend. Also, if you think your supervisor would like to be more involved in this years conference and join a panel of academics around communicating research then please do feel free to ask them and email w.speed@exeter.ac.uk, we would love to see them and have them involved.
Call for Papers – It won’t be long now for the 1st call for papers to be released. We are aiming to get this out in the next 3/4 weeks so keep your eye out. We will be accepting abstract submissions and poster submissions via Eventbrite. Additionally, on Eventbrite, social media platforms and the SWDTP website, we will also be giving out more information and sub themes relating to this years conference theme, giving you some ideas about how you might want to communicate your research in an effective and innovative way or/and what you might want to present your research on.
Our next meeting is to be held on the 28th June 2019 at the University of Bath. We are hoping to having our Eventbrite page setup and ready to go with the 1st call for papers released. I look forward to letting you know more next month.
Best wishes and I hope that all of your research is going well.
Warren Speed Chair of SWDTP 2019 Conference |