The SWDTP student reps had their first meeting of the 2019/20 academic year at Bath on the 14th October. As requested by students, we will be writing a short summary of the minutes from all reps meetings so that every can see what we discuss and can see what the reps are up to!
SWDTP Student Reps Meeting: 14 October 2019
11.15am – 13.30pm, University of Bath
Chair: Jude Hill (Interim SWDTP Collaboration Facilitator)
In attendance: Chris Gray (Bristol), Victoria Christodoulides (Bath), Catherine Kelly (Bristol), Callum Cockbill (Bath), Maike Klein (Bath), Fida Adra (Exeter), Connor Scott (SWDTP)
Apologies:, Celia Robbins (Exeter), Nasrul Ismail (UWE), Mike Rogerson (Bath), Daniel Lombard (Bristol), Suzanne Van Even (UWE), William Feltham (Bristol), Nicole Russel Pascaul (Exeter), Nicholas Gray (Bristol)
Welcome and Introductions
Five new student reps have been recruited from the SWDTP 2019 intake cohort.
Welcome to Fida Adra, Nicole Russel Pascaul, Suzanne Van Even, Nick Gray and Will Feltham
Chair’s Business- Information on the SWDTP Student Focus Groups
Jude Hill recently undertook 3 focus groups and in-depth interviews with current SWDTP students from a range of pathways and stages in the PhD as a follow up to the 2019 Student Survey through which she explored a number of key issues in particular in relation to: SWDTP community; events; training; comms (especially website and online presence); student reps. A wealth of opinions, ideas and information were provided by students who were thanked for their time and insights. Views from these groups will be discussed in further detail at the next student reps meeting, but some preliminary findings that were discussed included:
- How to increase understanding of the role of the student reps and improve
their visibility. There was a discussion and several actions will be taken:
- Connor to update the Student Reps page on the SWDTP Website ( with more information on the role of the student rep.
- Bath already hold weekly lunch meetings on Wednesdays that are open to all SWDTP students to come to meet the reps and discuss any issues with them. Connor will advertise this (and any other similar meetings held elsewhere) in the monthly newsletter.
- Bristol and Exeter reps to consider holding similar events; SWDTP students based at any University would be welcome to attend these
- Students are unaware of the collective fund and as such, take up to date hasn’t been great.
Any changes to the fund and its promotion will be reported back at the next meeting and through other comms routes e.g. newsletter
Round table for updates and issues raised to reps
An issue that has arisen is from 1 +3 students transitioning from their master into the first year of their PhD. Many have found this difficult and struggled to find their identity and to know what opportunities are available to them at each stage of their studies. Similar issues also featured in the focus groups. Some ideas on how to help address these issues were discussed.
Any changes to current provision will be reported back at future meetings and through other comms routes and Institutional contacts
SWDTP Website Forum
Reps have agreed to be moderators on the soon to be implemented online forums on the SWDTP website.
Impact Fund
- Summary of recent/pending applications
- Update on impact training
The next Student Reps Meeting will be early December. If you have any issues that you wish for the reps to discuss at our next meeting, please email them at