It’s been a month since Chris Shaw’s keynote speech closed the 2019 SWDTP Student Conference!
I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who made the day such a massive success, including:
- The 150 people who attended this years conference, the SWDTP’s best ever attendance!
- The 38 people who presented on their interests and research. We had such wide ranging topics from “Silent sex workers and secret knowledge: Communicating the unspeakable” to “Using polygenic scores to understand exposure to bullying” to “Lets talk about ducks”!
- To Kelly Preece, Caitlin Knight, Tim Morris, Fiona Crawford and Professor Justin Dillon who presented riveting workshops, more information on which you can find below.
- Also to Kelly Preece, Caitlin Knight and their student volunteers Maike Klein and Helen Foster Collins for their radio interviews providing a fantastic example of effective communication.
- To Rob Freathy of the University of Exeter, who battled through technical difficulties to open the conference with a brilliant keynote speech on “Research, Researchers and Researching: Creating an Effective and Innovative Learning Environment”
- To Chris Shaw, the Clerk of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in the House of Commons, who gave a fantastic closing keynote speech on “Giving your research impact in policy making” as well as running a workshop on “Communicating research effectively with parliament”.
You can find the programme from the day here:
You can find slides from all of the Workshops and the two Keynote Speeches (you can now see Rob Freathy’s for the first time!) below:
Now, only 11 months until the 2020 Conference in Bath!