Chair: Jude Hill (Interim SWDTP Collaboration Facilitator)
In attendance: Chris Gray (Bristol), Catherine Kelly (Bristol), Callum Cockbill (Bath), Maite Klein (Bristol), Fida Adra (Exeter), Nicole Russel Pascaul (skype) (Exeter), William Feltham (Bristol), Mike Rogerson (Bath) Nasrul Ismail (UWE), Daniel Lombard (Bristol), Nick Gray (Bristol), Suzanne Van Even (UWE), Connor Scott (SWDTP), Helen Stanton (SWDTP) Apologies: Celia Robbins (Exeter), Maike Klein (Bath), Victoria Christodoulides (Bath)
Items discussed
Welcome and Introductions
This was a first meeting for Nick Gray, Nicole Russel Pascaul, William Feltham, Suzanne Van Even, and Helen Stanton, who were welcomed to the group.
Chair’s Business- Information on the SWDTP Student Focus Groups
SWDTP has recently taken part in a mid-term review. Feedback is due to be received from ESRC by Christmas
It was decided that a discussion should take place in the next student rep meeting about the feedback from the review and discuss whether there are agendas which the student reps can help with.
New Director: With Sally Barnes’ imminent retirement interviews have been held for a new interim director this week. The outcome will be communicated asap.
Membership Updates and Succession Planning:
- Current numbers of student reps include: 6 Bristol, 4 Bath, 2 UWE and 3 Exeter, there are currently no student reps for Plymouth
Round table for updates and issues raised to reps
- Many students find the transition from the 1 to the +3 difficult. Similar issues also featured in the focus groups. Some suggestions about how help address these issues were discussed; student reps will be asked to feed into any plans for new student inductions in 2020 which may include a ‘refresher’ event for transitioning students
- Some students supervised between different institutions can find it difficult to access information about events and social occasions taking place across both their institutions. SWDTP colleagues will consider how to address the issues raised.
- Some problems with the SWDTP website forum have been encountered and solutions to address these were discussed.
- The group discussed the potential value of running more collaborative cross-disciplinary seminar series to help better connect colleagues; Jude Hill will follow up by sending reps information about SWDTP funding opportunities that can be used to pay for such activities.
- Reps provided points of feedback for the SWDTP conference organisers.
Rep-Led Activities:
- The reps discussed the potential to run regular informal meet ups for SWDTP students at Bristol and Exeter, along the lines of the weekly meet-ups at Bath.
- Suzanne is arranging a New Year get together for UWE students
- The reps were reminded that all events arranged can be advertised through the SWDTP
Impact Fund
Jude Hill noted changes that would be made to the impact fund form and guidance clarifying the process for ethics.
Next Reps meeting
Aiming for next March at UWE.