The SWDTP is proud to announce that the call for a new round of SWRC funding is now open!
The SWRC is a student-led venture, funded by the ESRC that facilitates collaboration between postgraduate students and community groups in a short-term research capacity. The SWRC has previously funded a diverse array of projects including: Bristol Nightstop (charity for the homeless), Rethink (mental health charity), and Exeter Mosque. The exact nature of the project is to be decided by you in collaboration with a contact at your chosen community group.
After five successful funding rounds, the SWRC is again offering this opportunity. Funding is available to all postgraduate students at the University of Bristol, University of Bath, University of Exeter, UWE and Plymouth University. You do not have to be a social sciences student, but the work must have a social science and community focus. The only criteria are:
● That the collaboration is of a short-term nature, lasting no more than five days (although these can be spread out and do not have to be consecutive)
● That the project conducted is with a partner organisation local to the South West
● That the project has clear benefits to the local community. These benefits should be primary, standing above any benefits to the student
● That the project is discrete from the student’s personal academic projects (eg. we cannot fund PhD research components)
Priority is given to projects that the partner organisation would not otherwise be able to carry out. The funding enables students to be financially compensated for the time that they put into the project, at a rate of £75 per day. Therefore, a maximum of £375 may be applied for. If you have any questions or if you would like to apply, please send us an email at this address:
The deadline for applications is Friday 1st June 2018.
Successful requests shall be informed of the outcome two weeks following the deadline. Please note that if you have previously applied you can re-apply with a new proposal or an updated version of a previously unsuccessful proposal.
Download the Application Form here: SWRC – Project Application Form 17
Highlight call for UoB registered students – Brigstow Institute
The SWRC has also secured a small pot of funding from the University of Bristol’s Brigstow Institute to offer Bristol-registered postgraduate students the opportunity to work in collaboration with a range of organisations across the city and beyond. The criteria are the same as those given above but should fit with Brigstow’s key values where the focus is on new ideas, experimentation and new ways of working within the theme of human experience and living well. Aimed particularly (but not exclusively) at those working across the social sciences, arts and humanities disciplines, projects should engage with one or more of Brigstow’s research themes:
- living well with technology
- living well with difference
- living well with uncertainty
- just plain old living well!
If you wish to apply please tick the box on the application form and explain how your application meets the criteria for this highlight call.
Download the Application Form here: SWRC – Project Application Form 17