Research Topic Title: Addressing the climate crisis through empathetic ruptions in environmental education

My research argues for a reconceptualisation of empathy as affective and embodied that encompasses both human and more-than-human entities, essential for fostering ethical global responsibility. In the context of the Anthropocene, I assert that empathy is central to global responsibility acting as a catalyst for transformative change. By critiquing traditional notions of empathy that focus solely on human perspectives, I highlight the necessity of a relational understanding that recognises the interconnectedness of all life forms. I then argue that the way to do this is to attempt to move towards understanding empathy as affective rather than as a combination of cognition and affect to illustrate the need for a non-hierarchical approach to empathy that incorporates the more-than-human.
I then explore the implications of viewing empathy as affective and embodied, arguing that this perspective enables a deeper understanding of the ethical responsibilities we hold toward the planet. Practical applications are discussed, including the integration of relational empathy into environmental education and policy frameworks using transdisciplinary practice. Ultimately, I advocate for an expanded view of empathy that can create significant shifts in both educational practices and policy-making, contributing to a more ethical approach to addressing the climate crisis.
This research will then inform a pedagogical design which will be used to set up transdisciplinary learning gardens. These will create a space for communities and students to gain a rich understanding of the environment whilst learning to think relationally with their world, whilst addressing climate issues relating to growth of food and plants.
Dr Kerry Chappell and Professor Stewart Barr of The University of Exeter
Chappell, K; Turner, C & Wren, H (eds) (2024) Creative Ruptions for Emergent Educational Futures. Palgrave MacMillan: London.
Wren, H., Chappell, K., Hetherington, L., Duca, E., O’Kane, E., Quacinella, D., Ribeiro, A., Sotiriou, M. and Van der Sanden, M(in review). Manifesting creative pedagogies in transdisciplinary HE courses.
Wren, H (2021): Review of: Placemaking: a new materialist theory of pedagogy, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2021.1951674
Chappell, K., Witt, S., Wren, H., Hampton, L., Woods, P., Swinford, L., & Hampton, M. (2023). Re‐Creating Higher Education Pedagogy by Making Materiality and Spatiality Matter. The Journal of Creative Behavior.
Chappell, K; Natanel, K and Wren, H (2021) Letting the ghosts in: re-designing HE teaching and learning through posthumanism. Teaching in Higher Education. (OPEN ACCESS)
Chappell, K., Hetherington, L., Alexopoulos, A., Ben-Horin, O., Nikolopoulos, K., Ruck Keene, H., Wren, H., Robberstad, J., Bogner, F. and Sotiriou, S. (2019) Dialogue and materiality/ embodiment in science/arts creative pedagogy: their role and manifestation. Thinking Skills and Creativity Special Issue: Exploring Pedagogies of Dialogic Space. (OPEN ACCESS)
Chappell, K., Walsh, C., Wren, H., Kenny, K., Schmoelz, A., & Stouraitis, E. (2017). Wise Humanising Creativity: Changing How We Create in a Virtual Learning Environment. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 7(4), 50-72.
Hetherington, L; Chappell, K; Ruck Keene, H; Wren, H; Cukurova, M; Hathaway, C; Sotiriou, S; & Bogner, F (2019): International educators’ perspectives on the purpose of science education and the relationship between school science and creativity, Research in Science & Technological Education, DOI:10.1080/02635143.2019.1575803
UEDIN: Scaltsas, T., Stenning, K., Alexopoulos K.; OU: Chappell, K., Walsh, C., Kenny, K., Wren, H., Craft, A. 1 ; EA: Dimaraki, E., Koulouris, P. ; BMUKK: Schmoelz, A., Weixelbaumer, T. (2014) Co-creativity assessment methodology. C2learn project deliverable no. D2.32.
Scaltsas, T., Stenning, K., Alexopoulos, K., Chappell, K., Walsh, C., Kenny, K., Wren, H., Craft, A. 1 , and Koulouris, P. (2014) Co-creativity evaluation analysis. C2learn projectdeliverable no. 5.4.1
Stenning, K., Schmoelz, A., Wren, H., Stouraitis, E., Scaltsas, T., Alexopoulos, C., & Aichhorn, A. (2016). Socratic dialogue as a teaching and research method for co-creativity? Digital Culture & Education, 8(2), 154-68.
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