Political Sciences and International Studies Alumni
PhD Researcher in Political Sciences and International Studies (ESRC +3)
College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter
Start date: September 2014
Graduation date: May 2018
Research topic: Resisting the Sectarian: A paradigm for peacebuilding in Lebanon
My thesis focuses on social and political change and the construction of peace from the grassroots, taking Lebanon as a country of study. My research examines cases where the sectarian system is contested and challenged through forms of quiet and ordinary resistance on the ground. I work on the premise that there are cases experiencing on-going and intrinsic processes that may potentially work as platforms of social change and conflict transformation.
Research supervisors: Dr William Gallois, Dr Rana Jawad
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Postgraduate Teaching Assistant
Student Rep Politics and the IAIS. Co-chair of the Liaison Forum of the College of SSIS.
Email: aa517@exeter.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/anaalmuedo