PhD Researcher in Sociology (ESRC 1+3)
College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter
Start date: October 2020
Research topic: Tracing Microbial Ontologies in Scientific Practice—From Object of Inquiry to Technological Tool
My research focusses on the ways in which knowledge generated in microbiology becomes meaningful for society. I look at how microbes become enrolled in biotechnological applications including gene editing or technologies for mitigating plastic pollution. I focus on the material practice of microbiology and biotechnology and scientists’ interactions with microbes. I am especially interested in how enlisting bacteria and viruses as tools in biotechnology might change microbial behaviour and ways of being.
Research supervisors: Dr Astrid Schrader, Professor Gail Davies
Email: bk296@exeter.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bodgehog