Global Political Economy/Global Challenges and Transformations: Geopolitics, Inequalities and Mobilities, Student Rep
PhD Researcher in Global Political Economy (ESRC 1+3)
Department of Social & Policy Sciences, University of Bath
Start date: October 2018
Research topic: The Personal Data Economy, the Corporatist State Model, and a Global Framework for an Emergent Classification of Social, Political, and Economic Power.
Principally, my academic research is dedicated to the comprehension of the political and economic imperatives and the ideational and discursive power relations that are inherent to the development and implementation of technological innovations in advanced capitalist societies. In particular, I am interested in the investigation of a multitude of emergent paradigms at the forefront of technological innovation, which include the rise of surveillance capitalism, smart city technology, digital social innovation, artificial intelligence, and cybernetic augmentation.
Research supervisors: Dr Ana Dinerstein, Dr Harry Pitts
Professional memberships/Positions held:
SWDTP Student Rep