Health and Wellbeing/Health, Wellbing & Society Alumni
PhD Researcher in Health and Wellbeing (ESRC 1+3)
Department for Health, University of Bath
Start date: September 2011
Research topic: The vulnerable empowered? An ethnographic exploration of the tensions between policy imperatives in the context of learning disability social care support
Through my doctoral research I have been ethnographically exploring how government policy is interpreted and incorporated into social care support for adults with learning disabilities in the UK. I have been particularly interested in looking at policies focused on empowering people with civil and economic rights and responsibilities over their lives. Influenced by liberal values, which position individuals as autonomous, self-sufficient agents, I am interested in exploring how these ‘sit’ in relation to the fact that people with learning disabilities have cognitive impairments and so are, in varying ways, reliant on others for support with aspects of their lives.
Research supervisors: Dr David Wainwright (Bath), Dr Rachael Gooberman-Hill (Bristol)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
- 2015-2016: TOR member
- 2015-present: Student representative REACH (Research Ethics Approval Committee for Health).
- 2015: Athena SWAN Committee, University of Bath, Department for Health.
I am the post-graduate student representative for the Department’s application for an Athena SWAN Bronze award.
- 2012-2016: Conference Committee Organiser/helper.
- Organiser, SWDTC ESRC Student Conference, Knowledge Beyond Borders, University of Exeter, UK
- Helper, Two faces of qualitative inquiry: Theoretical and Applied Approaches. The Second South West Qualitative Research Symposium, March 2016
- Helper, Quality in Qualitative Research and Enduring Problematics. First Qualitative Methodology Forum Symposium, University of Bath, March 2015
- Helper, 4th ESRC Research Methods Festival, University of Oxford, July 2012