Security, Conflict and Human Rights
PhD Researcher in Security, Conflict and Justice (ESRC 1+3)
School of Sociology, Politics and International Relations, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2015
Graduation date: June 2021
Research topic: Cybersecurity
I am currently researching the complex and varied range of actors that are involved in the landscape of cybersecurity. These are not just state or military actors, but also private corporations and individuals, materials, technologies and all sorts of other actants, something which no single theory or framework in international relations or science and technology studies (STS) seems able to address at present. I want to investigate whether an interdisciplinary approach can help conceptualise this landscape more clearly, drawing on IR, security studies, STS and the philosophy of technology amongst others.
Research supervisors: Dr John Downer (Bristol), Professor David Galbreath (Bath)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
SWDTC/P 2017 conference committee member; Defence Research Network committee member; Global Insecurities Centre (GIC) member; GIC Security and Technology Working Group member; Faculty Student Quality Reviewer
Email: cs13554@bristol.ac.uk