PhD Researcher in Sociology (ESRC +3)
School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2015
Graduation date: March 2022
Research topic: (Im)mobile masculinities at the border: identity, power and personal relations in UK Immigration Removal Centres
My doctoral research seeks to better comprehend the under-researched terrains of masculinity and immigration detention in the UK and explore the gendered, inter sectional and multi-scalar dynamics of identity, power and personal relations that operate in these hidden carceral spaces. By developing recent theory on masculinities and detention, the project will expand understandings of gender, transnational migration and belonging. The research design – a qualitative mixed methods engagement with people inside and outside of detention – will enable me to examine how everyday lived experiences in detention are tied to broader gendered issues including state power and citizenship, border controls and the international securitisation of migration.
Research supervisors: Dr Katharine Charsley, Dr Naomi Milner
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Migration Research Group, Gender Research Centre, Citizenship and Ethnicity Centre, Gender Reading Group Co-Convenor, Refugee Tales Organisational Committee