Sustainable Futures Alumni
PhD Researcher in Environment, Energy and Resilience (ESRC 1+3)
Law School / SPAIS, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2014
Graduation date: September 2018
Research topic: The role of discourse in the management of water
My work has found itself focusing on the competing perceptions of the environment and, in particular, water and how such understandings interact and compete within discourse. Utilising the case study of dam construction in contemporary Brazil, this is with a particular focus on the discourses used to deflect opposition to important schemes of reform and infrastructure construction. My wider research interests include the narratives of climate change, environmental conflict and the Anthropocene.
Research supervisors: Dr Adrian Flint (Bristol), Dr Roy Maconachie (Bath)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Member, International Water Resources Association
Member, South West Research Cooperative
Member, South West Research Cooperative