Advanced Quantitative Methods
Advanced Quantitative Methods +3
School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2021
Research topic: Government Spending and the Two-Way Causation between Socioeconomic Status and Health in the UK: A Multilevel Structural Equations Modelling Approach
Government policies are critical in contouring patterns of health and mitigating health inequalities. Previous literature showed how such policies may determine health outcomes. However, there is a scarcity of studies investigating health benefits of government interventions in different sectors than those directly related to health. My research aims to fill this gap by longitudinally examining the effects of public health and non-health policies on individual health indicators. I utilise multilevel SEM to uncover time-prolonged effects with bidirectional relationships between a person’s socioeconomic status and health and employ the Understanding Society dataset matched with administrative records.
Research supervisors: David J Manley, Tim T Morris