Human Geography
PhD Researcher in Human Geography (ESRC 1+3)
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter
Start date: September 2016
Graduation date: June 2021
Research topic: Feral food foraging in the city and ecological literacy
I am interested in how foraging for feral foods in an urban setting can provide opportunities for learning about ecological literacy, defined as identification with urban nature, leading towards greater ecological consciousness. I have chosen urban public space as the site for the research as it is replete with counter hegemonic initiatives towards more equitable and socially just relationships with both human and non-human members of community. An urban ecology of feral food plants, which can be seen as a subset of alternative food networks, could provide informal, experiential and embodied ways to become more eco-centric as a species.
Research supervisors: Professor Stewart Barr, Dr Ewan Woodley