Social Work
PhD Researcher in Social Work (ESRC +3)
Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath
Start date: October 2019
Research topic: Safeguarding: Personal or Political?
My study seeks to investigate the risk perceptions of safeguarding practitioners that influences their decision making in order to fulfil the legal obligations placed on them by the inception of the Care Act 2014. The Act stipulates that these decision-making processes be as collaborative as possible with the adults deemed to be at risk of abuse. Utilising critical interpretive synthesis to explore the debates surrounding the introduction of the legal obligation in the Care Act 2014, the study will also seek to explore the views of service users who have been involved in safeguarding investigations.
Research supervisors: Dr Jeremy Dixon, Professor Judy Laing
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Registered Social Worker.
Email: gg505@bath.ac.uk