Socio-Legal Studies
PhD Researcher in Socio-Legal Studies (ESRC +3)
Law School, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2017
Research topic: Emotional readiness to negotiate in family law proceedings
Emotional readiness to negotiate has been recognised as an important factor in parties’ ability to settle without using contested litigation. I am researching the emotional support given by solicitors to their clients to find out what non-legal support is currently available, and also what sorts of emotional support clients find helpful.
Research supervisors: Dr Emma Hitchings, Professor Morag McDermont
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Practising family solicitor
Email: hp15566@bristol.ac.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahperry/
Website/Blog: https://www.harbourfamilylaw.co.uk/our-team/hannah-perry-ba-msc/