Security, Conflict and Human Rights Alumni
PhD Researcher in Security, Conflict and Justice (ESRC 1+3)
Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2013
Graduation date: January 2020
Research topic: Building a sustainable core for community-facing collaborations: how everyday conflicts are surfaced and managed in cross-sector working
My research is looking at the dynamics of cross-sector collaboration in two case study networks – one in the UK (Bristol), the other in the Netherlands (Amsterdam). It is using participative and complexity-informed research methodologies to explore the values and power relations underpinning community-facing initiatives across a collaborative network. Central to the study is an exploration of how tensions and conflicts within the network are surfaced and managed, with what implications for sustained collaboration and the quality of service delivery. As public governance is increasingly devolved to the local level, the quality and inclusivity of cross-sector collaborative frameworks becomes highly relevant for core infrastructure and community support programmes.
Research supervisors: Dr David Sweeting (Bristol), Dr Deborah Osberg (Exeter)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Director, Community Resolve (
Associate, Taos Institute
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Understanding Social Practice, University of West of England