Health and Wellbeing/Health, Wellbing & Society Alumni
PhD Researcher in Health and Wellbeing (ESRC +3)
Department for Health, University of Bath
Start date: September 2012
Graduation date: March 2018
Research topic: Physical activity, social isolation and loneliness in later life: A focus on rural areas in the UK
My research explores the predictors of and relationships among loneliness, types of social isolation (SI) and physical activity (PA) in rurally-living older adults in the UK using interdisciplinary, sequential mixed-methods. I focus on loneliness and SI because strong evidence shows an association with poor health in older age. Similarly, engaging in PA leads to prolonged healthy ageing. My experience in teaching older adult fitness classes also adds to my interest in this topic. I focus on rural areas because I think that the quiet, rural way of life in the UK countryside should be supported for those who cherish it.
Research supervisors: Dr Afroditi Stathi, Dr Suzanne Richards
Professional memberships/Positions held:
British Society for Gerontology
Campaign to End Loneliness