Social Work Alumni
PhD Researcher in Social Work (ESRC 1+3)
Centre for Gender and Violence Research, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2015
Graduation date: September 2021
Research topic: Violence and abuse in young LGBTQ+ relationships
My research explores in detail young LGBTQ+ people’s experiences of violence and abuse in intimate partner relationships and how best to respond to this problem. A mixed methods approach to data collection is deployed in the form of a national survey, semi-structured interviews and focus groups to examine:
- The nature and dynamics of violence and abuse in young LGBTQ+ intimate partner relationships and the wider cultural and social processes that underpin experiences of violence and abuse in these relationships
- Young LGBTQ+ people’s attitudes to violence and abuse, the impact intimate partner violence has in their own relationships and the support needs of victims/survivors and perpetrators.
- Young LGBTQ+ people’s views on effective intervention and prevention
Research supervisors: Professor Marianne Hester, Dr Christine Barter
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Independent Domestic Violence Advisor with Twelves Company Cornwall
JNC Qualified Youth Worker