Management and Business Studies
PhD Researcher in Management and Business Studies (ESRC 1+3)
School of Management, University of Bath
Start date: October 2017
Research topic: Multiple Foci of Commitment and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in the Knowledge Economy: A Theory Towards the Multi-Focality of Knowledge Sharing
My research will employ qualitative research methods to explore the interrelationship between multiple foci of commitment and tacit knowledge sharing in Professional Services Firms (PSFs). With the shift towards the knowledge economy, employees now work within as well as across organisational boundaries, throwing up a plethora of challenges and moving the spotlight away from the traditional dyadic employer-employee relationship. Arguably, the personal nature of tacit knowledge sharing has now become the most valuable form of capital for PSFs, which calls into question individual agency in the knowledge sharing process, as influenced by multiple foci of commitment.
Research supervisors: Professor Juani Swart, Dr Nina Hansen
Professional memberships/Positions held:
TOR- Social Media