Psychology Alumni
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC +3)
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter
Start date: April 2015
Graduation date: June 2019
Research topic: Traumatic Brain Injury and socioemotional processing in a young offending population
I am currently researching prevalence and consequences of traumatic brain injury in adolescent and young adults with offending behaviour. My research investigates the neurocognitive and neuroaffective profiles of those with and without injury in the criminal justice system, focusing particularly on the capacity for socioemotional processing and facial affect recognition. We are also investigating these profiles in members of the general population and exploring whether deficits can be addressed using digital intervention strategies in prison settings.
Research supervisors: Dr Natalia Lawrence, Professor Ian Penton-Voak (Bristol)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Committee member for South West Research Co-op (SWRC); Member of Bristol Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group (TARG)
Email: mc355@exeter.ac.uk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MiriamCohen432
Website/Blog: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miriam_Cohen2