Psychology Alumni
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
Psychology, University of Bath
Start date: September 2013
Graduation date: January 2017
Research topic: Child developmental psychopathology
Childhood trauma exposure is associated with a range of negative psychological outcomes, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Parents are often children’s main source of support following a trauma; however, little is known about the experiences of parents in caring for their child following a traumatic event. Therefore, this research aims to investigate parental responses and experiences following child trauma exposure. Parent behaviours and responses to their child, the effect on the family, and parent perceptions of (need for) support following the child’s trauma will be explored to investigate parent’s experiences and the ways in which parents support their child post-trauma.
Research supervisors: Dr Sarah Halligan, Professor Cathy Creswell (University of Reading)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
Forensic and Developmental Psychopathology Group