Are you interested in reinvigorating the social sciences so that they are increasingly participative, democratic, focused on social and environmental justice?
Would you like to participate and facilitate research that informs and supports thoughtful action and practical change?
If so you might be interested in participatory research or perhaps even more specifically, participatory action research (PAR). The sessions held by the group are open to everyone, so you are welcome whether you are just curious about PAR or thinking of incorporating the approach into your own research.
The participatory research surgeries are monthly sessions of an hour and a half. Sessions are designed by the person leading them but may involve the trial of a technique, a reading, a piece of their work to discuss, or a critical discussion about participatory research. The person will usually present their work in progress research, and any challenges they are facing in it, whether practical or theoretical. This is an opportunity for supportive critique to help that person move forward with their work. Participatory methods and tools then may be trialled and discussed.
Contact us with queries:
Previous seminars have included:
Mar 2017: Emilia Melville – The role of local actors in commons and polycentric governance of energy systems transformation
Feb 2017: Lydia Medland – Reflections from fieldwork with seasonal workers in Morocco
Jan 2017: Rachel Wilder – Discussion of paper: Fields (2016) The Racialized Erotics of Participatory Research: A Queer Feminist Understanding
Dec 2016: Lisa Morgans – PAR and policy making- the dos and don’ts!
Jul 2016: Stephanie Denning – Challenging power relations &positionality in PAR
Jun 2016: Jack Nicholls – Intersubjective self and research
May 2016: Diana Barrera – an ethical discussion of methods
Feb 2016: Emma Griffin – Community Based Participatory Research
Jan 2016: Lydia Medland – Visual Methodologies
Dec 2015: Alice Willatt – Future Creating Workshops
Nov 2015: Jo Howard – Digital Storytelling