Psychology Alumni
PhD Researcher in Psychology (ESRC 1+3)
Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol
Start date: September 2015
Graduation date: January 2019
Research topic: The nature and nurture of wellbeing in adolescence
Abigail’s project examines environmental and genetic influences on adolescent wellbeing using a genetically informative design. The Twins Early Development Study (TEDS) is world leading in this field, frequently informing policy and often reported in the media. This project expands the impact of TEDS by analysing data collected on 5000 pairs of twins when they were 16 years old using a wide range of variables, including measures of wellbeing, personality characteristics, mental illness and cognitive and academic success. This novel research has great implications for policy, particularly education, and extends current knowledge on subjective wellbeing.
Research supervisors: Dr Claire Haworth