Sustainable Futures Alumni
PhD Researcher in Environment, Energy and Resilience (ESRC 1+3)
College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter
Start date: September 2012
Graduation date: September 2019
Research topic: The role of city-scale in energy transitions: heat networks in the UK and Germany
My research examines the development of heat networks in the UK and Germany with particular focus on the role of municipal utilities. The research will explore the integration of heat networks into the energy system and models of city scale energy provision and ownership. More broadly, the project aims to explore the interaction of different actors, institutions and governance in urban energy infrastructure in order to better understand scales in socio-technical transitions. My broader research interests focus on low carbon innovation at a local level, particularly exploring the role of local authorities in energy governance, policy development and implementation.
Research supervisors: Dr Bridget Woodman (Exeter), Dr David Sweeting (Bristol)
Professional memberships/Positions held:
British Institute of Energy Economics – Member
Regional Studies Association – Member